What’s the secret since you know lol
Well, I was once straight, then discovered I was bisexual, and I have experience being friends with straight dudes. It's not difficult; all you need to do is connect with them, which is an ancient art due to the hook-up culture in our community. Straight men are just as curious about sex with a dude, but it usually takes a special night for that to happen. One day at a hotel, a friend of mine, who knew I was into him, asked me to suck his unclipped toes, which disgusted me. He hinted that he would allow much more if I obeyed everything I asked him to do that night, and eventually, I started sucking on them until we started having sex. Now, he acts as nothing happened because he has kids, but this isn't uncommon with straight men. Since I look younger than most dudes at the. Age of 25 I don't get much attention unless it's from a creep, but I was around 18 when this happened.
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