Game of Thrones

Ronin, you just spoiled it for us on the West Coast, who haven't been able to watch it yet... Duh!

heh. I have to DVR it and watch it later (already done). I intentionally avoid imgur, this thread, news sites, anything and everything where GoT spoilers could show up between air time until after I've watched it :p
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heh. I have to DVR it and watch it later (already done). I intentionally avoid imgur, this thread, news sites, anything and everything where GoT spoilers could show up between air time until after I've watched it :p

Good plan, Stan... So do I... I want to enjoy it, or hate it, before reading other people's opinions of it.

And, then, I'll get down into the dirt of it... :)
I hope you folks are keeping an eye on Little Finger, he now has an Army of his own, Sansa will probably fall in love with him, because of his charm / and saving the battle Any child they have, technically has better claim to Winterfell than Jon Snow . Soooo Little Finger would rule the North
Sometimes, being a lifelong, "Peace Activist", I feel a bit uncomfortable and hypocritical, absolutely LOVING the bloody revenge scenes in HBO's "Game of Thrones"... :rolleyes:

Oh, well!... Frankly speaking, I was hoping for something a lot more brutal, for the demise of Ramsay 'Bolton'... And, I truly mean A LOT, more brutal... Like, get out the hack saws, the power drill, the vegetable peelers, the "gourmet" torch, the nail-pullers, and the, slow, noisey, "Fargo", diesel wood chipper... Let me at that f*cking bastard!

(Please don't tell my
Mom that I said that stuff!... ;) ... K?)

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Has that "Battle Scene" ended yet?...

Okay... Guess not...

I had to go to sleep... Always hoping for at least 7 hours, you know... And, then, shower and shave, make coffee and breakfast... Packed up a lunch for later... Umm... Did I forget to masturbate?... Back in a few...

... The battle for Winterfell is still going on... Oops!

Sometimes those "Battle Scenes" are even longer than "Classic Rock" concert guitar or drum solos!... You know what I mean?

tell me... Did that hot, ginger, Wildling, "Tormund", make it out alive?... It was all so messy... I lost count.

Did Ramsay ever do the right thing, and feed his starving dogs?

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Basking in the afterglow here.
I'm glad he knew Sansa snatched his victory when he thought he had it in the bag.

Anyone else scream at the TV "oh don't you DARE run away now you fucking chicken!!!! Get him Jon! GET HIMMM!!!!!"?
Just me?
K then
Basking in the afterglow here.
I'm glad he knew Sansa snatched his victory when he thought he had it in the bag.

Anyone else scream at the TV "oh don't you DARE run away now you fucking chicken!!!! Get him Jon! GET HIMMM!!!!!"?
Just me?
K then
I called him a chicken the second I saw him 'supervising' battle at a distance while Jon got bloodied first. What a useless bag of skin. Doubt there was much to feed on.

I was so sad when the big one went...never said much, that one, but he sure had heart.

Also, if I was Sansa, I would have stayed for the show. Big freakin bowl of popcorn and a soda (or whatever the Winterfell version is - probably not jerky, that'd be a bit too on the nose, but biscuits and wine?). And I agree @ActionBuddy, I was hoping for a slower, more brutal end. Feed those dogs slowly, little bits and pieces.

I think Little Finger might want her hand in marriage now, but I think he'll be lucky to consider his debt to her paid. He served her up to that maniac. He's fortunate that she didn't feed his little fingers to the dogs for dessert.

Poor Rickon. Why didn't he zigzag?
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... Also, if I was Sansa, I would have stayed for the show. Big freakin bowl of popcorn and a soda (or whatever the Winterfell version is - probably not jerky, that'd be a bit too on the nose, but biscuits and wine?). And I agree @ActionBuddy, I was hoping for a slower, more brutal end. Feed those dogs slowly, little bits and pieces.

@LaFemme... Why aren't you my nextdoor neighbor?... :)

@LaFemme I thought the same thing, why was he running in a straight blood line ??????

Yet another "Duh!" scene, as the show gets sloppier... That lad, (if he were real), would have known better than to run in a straight line.

This is where I hung my disbelief: Dogmeat had been been keeping Rickon prisoner for the past few weeks, probably starving and 'playing' with him. Lack of food (especially protein, something I learned firsthand) will make someone stupid, so will fear; hence running in a straight line.

However, I hate having to over explain a scene to myself, so colour me disappointed in that particular plot device.
We should totally exchange numbers and text while we watch! :p

Actually, I was just thinking something similar, and just a few minutes ago, mentioned my lack of "Real Life" Game of Thrones fan friends to Ronin001... I was thinking: Wouldn't it be fun if a bunch of the people that participate in this thread could watch the episodes together, and then do "commentary videos" on them?... Frankly speaking, I think that, collectively, we would produce better, and more critical, commentary videos than most of what I slog through on YouTube every week!... Plus, we probably make way better popcorn than them... :)


P.S.: Imagine us as a group, watching "The Red Wedding", the burning of Shireen, or the demise of Hodor... Our "reaction videos" would be terrifying to the public, and would therefore go VIRAL!
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