
Gavi made a comment on an joao felix shirtless photo
I think he commented that emoji because he was dying to see Joao shirtless, although he can also see him on the bench or he can see better things inside the stadium without fans.
My friend who works for Barca says Gavi's got a really thick dick, sees it a lot when the teams does laps
I don't know if it's a joke or not but it would be , it's like if I say I have a cousin who works at Barça and looks at Gavi and Fermín's naked ass every day. It smells a lot like an invention.
My friend who works for Barca says Gavi's got a really thick dick, sees it a lot when the teams does laps
Your profile says you live in Australia but you have a (I assume online) friend in Spain who apparently looks at Gavi's dick all the time? Sounds like your 'friend' is a liar
There is no hint that this guy is gay. To be honest, he seems to be a little bit homophobic, almost all the time he quarrels with others players and is very agressive during the match. This is just a gay fantasy. I dont believe he is gay or bi. I think to be gay nowadays is to be a little bit stereotyped. Today, most gays have a set of clichet attitudes that make clear they are gay. They worship divas, like fashionism, have only girls as friends, hate football, etc... now is very easy to know if someone is gay or not. Gay men are not hidden as in the past. In my school time I remember gay boys only made aquictance with girls and they hated sports except for volleyball.
There is no hint that this guy is gay. To be honest, he seems to be a little bit homophobic, almost all the time he quarrels with others players and is very agressive during the match. This is just a gay fantasy. I dont believe he is gay or bi. I think to be gay nowadays is to be a little bit stereotyped. Today, most gays have a set of clichet attitudes that make clear they are gay. They worship divas, like fashionism, have only girls as friends, hate football, etc... now is very easy to know if someone is gay or not. Gay men are not hidden as in the past. In my school time I remember gay boys only made aquictance with girls and they hated sports except for volleyball.

I’m hella gay and I love football. All my friends are guys.
There is no hint that this guy is gay. To be honest, he seems to be a little bit homophobic, almost all the time he quarrels with others players and is very agressive during the match. This is just a gay fantasy. I dont believe he is gay or bi. I think to be gay nowadays is to be a little bit stereotyped. Today, most gays have a set of clichet attitudes that make clear they are gay. They worship divas, like fashionism, have only girls as friends, hate football, etc... now is very easy to know if someone is gay or not. Gay men are not hidden as in the past. In my school time I remember gay boys only made aquictance with girls and they hated sports except for volleyball.
bro out here with 2000's stereotyping standards lol.
There is no hint that this guy is gay. To be honest, he seems to be a little bit homophobic, almost all the time he quarrels with others players and is very agressive during the match. This is just a gay fantasy. I dont believe he is gay or bi. I think to be gay nowadays is to be a little bit stereotyped. Today, most gays have a set of clichet attitudes that make clear they are gay. They worship divas, like fashionism, have only girls as friends, hate football, etc... now is very easy to know if someone is gay or not. Gay men are not hidden as in the past. In my school time I remember gay boys only made aquictance with girls and they hated sports except for volleyball.
Are we talking about the guy who keeps kissing his teammates on the cheek/neck/head every chance he gets and constantly slaps them on the ass? There's no way he's homophobic, his attitude on the pitch doesn't define his personality
Are we talking about the guy who keeps kissing his teammates on the cheek/neck/head every chance he gets and constantly slaps them on the ass? There's no way he's homophobic, his attitude on the pitch doesn't define his personality
Exactly, if Gavi was homophobic he wouldn't be kissing his teammates all the time in the areas mentioned by this guy above, and then let's be a little more realistic Gavi if he can be bi but I think he likes girls more than anything because some time ago a little scandal was made on tik tok because Gavi was seen on his mobile sticking his tongue out and showing it to the others on his side and the girl who recorded it covered Gavi's mobile with an emoji, that made me deduce that maybe it was a naked picture of some girl but who knows maybe he fucks girls in some moments of his life we just don't know but maybe if he is bi and being aggressive on the court doesn't mean he is not gay, with the people he meets he is usually very affectionate and more with kisses so discard those silly stereotypes of Gay and on top of that you contradict yourself in your post.
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The LGBTQ+ Fanbase is on the rise in USA and Europe as seen in multiple queer Fanclubs rising in the top leagues and Rainbow Flags being waved in Stadiums.

With that in mind an ambiguous sexual image benefits the likes of Gavi as well as any modern soccer player on the field. ;)

As long as he doesn't out himself as gay / bisexual that is of course.
Business stays business, especially with football.
One doesnt want to offend the Arabian club owners and fans xD
There is no hint that this guy is gay. To be honest, he seems to be a little bit homophobic, almost all the time he quarrels with others players and is very agressive during the match. This is just a gay fantasy. I dont believe he is gay or bi. I think to be gay nowadays is to be a little bit stereotyped. Today, most gays have a set of clichet attitudes that make clear they are gay. They worship divas, like fashionism, have only girls as friends, hate football, etc... now is very easy to know if someone is gay or not. Gay men are not hidden as in the past. In my school time I remember gay boys only made aquictance with girls and they hated sports except for volleyball.
bro out here with 2000's stereotyping standards lol.

Nah, that stereotype was around in the 80s when I was growing up, mad that it's still about.

@ellios228 most of my friends are guys, yeah I like some of the female artists but not all, I also like rock/indie groups and electronic music (okay that last one might be slightly stereotypical :joy: ). I may not enjoy football, but I love rugby and used to play too. I don't know where you got your stereotype from, but you're way off buddy, it's 2024.
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