The man child thing has worn out it’s cuteness and I just discovered them on TikTok today. Plus they seem to have really nice fancy cars so that and the child attitude makes me think they must be spoiled rich guys. I hope not, cause he is hot. All that being said I would def add to their wealth if they made an OF and sub.
The man child thing has worn out it’s cuteness and I just discovered them on TikTok today. Plus they seem to have really nice fancy cars so that and the child attitude makes me think they must be spoiled rich guys. I hope not, cause he is hot. All that being said I would def add to their wealth if they made an OF and sub.
They’re incredibly annoying. That said I would totally pay money to see Nick fuck.
The man child thing has worn out it’s cuteness and I just discovered them on TikTok today. Plus they seem to have really nice fancy cars so that and the child attitude makes me think they must be spoiled rich guys. I hope not, cause he is hot. All that being said I would def add to their wealth if they made an OF and sub.
It does get a little old, but Nick has said it is for skits and not his normal life. As for the fancy cars, they are vintage and Nick (age 30) has talked about collecting them from his teen years. His father is a car dealer, so they probably got great deals at auto auctions or other dealer sources. Not retail, in other words. Dan is from an immigrant family and has spoken of their poor upbringing. Nick's family would be what I would consider upper middle class. Not rich but just comfy enough for some extra niceties. Nick and Dan also both have jobs in Boston (suit/tie kind of jobs) and seem to do well for themselves. They seem like really nice guys and I think we should all take the silly skits for the humor intended, not as a reflection of real life.
It does get a little old, but Nick has said it is for skits and not his normal life. As for the fancy cars, they are vintage and Nick (age 30) has talked about collecting them from his teen years. His father is a car dealer, so they probably got great deals at auto auctions or other dealer sources. Not retail, in other words. Dan is from an immigrant family and has spoken of their poor upbringing. Nick's family would be what I would consider upper middle class. Not rich but just comfy enough for some extra niceties. Nick and Dan also both have jobs in Boston (suit/tie kind of jobs) and seem to do well for themselves. They seem like really nice guys and I think we should all take the silly skits for the humor intended, not as a reflection of real life.
Nick is 30?
Okay, what does BUMP mean? Lol
Also, regarding OnlyFans, they mentioned "No" to it because they can't risk their professional jobs for now. I'd suggest they just film some services for now while they're still in their prime hotness..then maybe, release those later when they decide to retire or are willing to risk it all maybe..
Okay, what does BUMP mean? Lol
Also, regarding OnlyFans, they mentioned "No" to it because they can't risk their professional jobs for now. I'd suggest they just film some services for now while they're still in their prime hotness..then maybe, release those later when they decide to retire or are willing to risk it all maybe..

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