Yeah, or just have time to reflect without outside forces. Porn addiction is really bad in hurting people without them even realising it. So much is unknown of it still, and it's all seen as pretty much a joke to people. I would never want to be the reason someone doesn't start living out their true sexuality. In this case, there are too many outside influences that need to be dealt with first of all, before important decisions are made. Then he'll maybe feel more confident in his decisions. I think he needs to talk to a therapist, someone who is a mediator and doesn't have their own opinion based on their own orientation. If he asks here, it'll all just be biased from our own views and experiences, and no one (he) won't take it seriously, as it will be seen as us trying to deter him away "from the dark side" as such. I have no reason to create another DL man in a hetro relationship, who then goes on to break another woman's heart down the line.
He needs no outside opinions and influences. Get off porn and really try if possible, no fap. Look up no fap threads on reddit etc, for info and stories of other guys experiences with this issue. Just to add also, that if you take any substances then stop, especially anything that has any affect neurologically (meth, ADHD medication etc), as it can increase libido and lower inhibitions, if it's not actually needed. Which means no clear, confident, happy, self-made decision's. I know you didn't mention this for yourself, but just in case anyone else reads it, it may help. But before all this, go and seek a sex therapist. Being nervous doesn't mean you have doubts either, as most people who experience new sexual interactions are nervous, so make sure you know what you're precisely feeling. You don't want PTSD from it all, that will turn you away for good. It may all sound like a small thing just now, but whether you do somehhing you're not 100% comfortable with yet, or if you surpress any sexual feelings you have, it'll all likely lead to a bad mental health period for yourself. Then you'll end up giving up on everyone, or becoming a cat lady like myself.
Everyone should want everyone to live life fully, and to find true love and happiness. As someone's unhappiness can effect people in a subtle or major way. Their negative ripple effects can keep influencing way into the future when these people are long gone. So this message comes from a good place and wanting the best for people.