a lot of men are bi but they heavily prefer one or the other so they label themselves as the extremes of the spectrum rather than the variations in the middle, because it's easier for themselves to understand it and also to explain it to others.
so a dude that's bi and is 99% into men and 1% into women, is gonna call himself gay. that's what the kinsey scale would classify as homoflexible. and a dude that's bi and is 99% into women and 1% into men, is gonna call himself straight, which would be classified as heteroflexible.
so is a gay dude that's into pussy still gay? yeah, because he's so far in the spectrum to the homosexual side that he barely recognizes his attraction towards women outside sexual settings such as porn, which is what causes gay porn actors to do straight scenes. but in the real world, these dudes might jerk off to women on the rare ocasion, but they're unlikely to actually have sex with one, it's more like a fantasy than anything, like getting a straight dude to fuck him, because they're not really gonna act on it, and the opportunity is unlikely to fall on their lap. with porn actors, that opportunity does fall on their lap, which is why we have porn actors who are gay, are in same sex relationships, but will do scenes with women