i was wondering how long it'd take him to fuck a girl. he's said he's bi ever since he started doing porn, but only ever seems to be a cockwhore online. fully expected his first scene fucking pussy would be with a ftm like noah
It's rather doubtful as someone previously reminded him of a tweet where he said that trans people don't actually have gender dysphoria, but are just really ugly and try to change their gender because they think they will look better. He also publishes a lot of content from far-right accounts, even from Republican Speaker Mike Johnson, who literally still believes that homosexual relations should be criminalized. But that doesn't bother him and he has a terrible personality. He posted a video of himself having sex with a woman and intentionally put a "Pride Month" caption to piss off his fans and gay people. Although most of the comments are positive, which only shows the intellectual disability of gays and bisexuals, that even if a guy despises them and spits on the entire community, as long as he's hot, it's fine. Even though such a person harms gays and bisexuals like me, discouraging gays from dating bi guys. Honestly, it's very good that he belittles gays and despises you as well as other "gay" creators. You reap what you sow
in the video he's also repeatedly saying he wants to get her pregnant.
alex is very much a log cabin republican type. not necessarily one, but very much in line with them on many of their beliefs. anyone who's ever looked through his twitter past the porn has seen which side he's on
It's rather doubtful as someone previously reminded him of a tweet where he said that . . . . . .
Okay girl, Breathe! The topic of this forum thread is "Gay men try pussy," politics or morality is not the main subject here. Don't lecture us as if we are straight, as if one of us is not gay/bi/trans, we all agree that homophobia is bad.
thought he was gay for pay
Rogan is whatever you want him to be, if you pay. However he is 100% gay. He tends to go for very young (all most too young) looking gay boys, imagine a 16 year old boy and that’s his perfect match. He’s also quite feminine in real life, there’s also hygiene issues there as well…