Gay sex scenes from movies/tv series

The hottest blowjob scene from Queer as Folk where Justin spits out Brian's cum
I remember this. My mom walked into my room when this was on. Luckily I had my remote “Last” button programmed to late night cartoons. Jerked off endlessly to QaF.
I found this. I don't know if the letter boxing is an artistic choice or a form of censoring.
Haven’t read rest of comments yet but I think it’s an artist choice… if you ever been on g that’s how it feels. You’re really damn horny but you’re fading. You can do multiple doses (please only do safely and time it guys… serious about that. YOU WILL DIE if you aren’t careful and measure/trust those involved/actually pay attention to the time taken and how long after) but eventually it will make you just tired. Or sick if slightly too much or not enough to OD on. Really I have had hot times on it but my old boss/best friend was who I tried with first and was like a mother hen watching me and making sure I was good. Was at a group thing at his friends. I had fun. A lot of fun. I’ve done more since. I’ve also got slightly too much (and I do mean SLIGHTLY which makes so much difference) and felt sick to my stomach and/or wanting to pass out. This movie absolutely shows that in a creative way which may feel obvious to others but watching I’m like…. This is what it’s like.

please anyone reading who wants to try G… I’m not saying don’t.. cause it can be really fucking hot to be on with right guys… but do it responsibly. “Lol there’s no way to do drugs responsibly”…. Fuck off yes there is and grow up. More people than you know do or tried some drug in their life and probably more often than you’d ever know. Because they do it responsibly and know their limits. Don’t judge others. Otherwise keep throwing that first stone at the “sinners”

Thanks for coming to my ted talk. I’m no expert on drugs and would never claim to be but if anyone is using… I’d rather see them do it responsibly rather than berate them which makes them do it in secret instead and waaaaay more unsafely.
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I remember this. My mom walked into my room when this was on. Luckily I had my remote “Last” button programmed to late night cartoons. Jerked off endlessly to QaF.
The sex scenes on QaF still hold up after all these years, and then some.
The sex scenes on QaF still hold up after all these years, and then some.
QaF has the best gay sex scenes in television’s history! The whole cast was perfect. The new version is trash! I still jerk off 2 the show today. I don’t know a damn thing about the storyline tho lol !
10 episodes. This is on netflix. The green-eyed guy has many straight sex and nudity scenes throughout the series. Too bad this is his only gay scene.
Sad. He is so hot. What his instagram? The curly hair guy is gay in the series?
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  • Wow
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Thank you! I shall try that. Also, you literally are the creator of my favorite compilations that I have been revisiting for years now lol. Thanks for that too! Haha
Oh thank you Dramaking! ;) I'm waiting for yours now ! (with firefox hehe)
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