Gay sex scenes from movies/tv series

When the sex scenes for this movie comes out, don't hesitate to share. It's going to premiere at the Sundance film festival on the 23rd of January, can't find a trailer anywhere

Is this another reworking of his relationship will Bill Clegg movie?
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looking for a scene from a european film between a father and his daughter's boyfriend where they're in the kitchen and they stick their hands in each other's pants and then the mom and daughter come home?

If you liked the scenes from "Blessed Boys" (Original title: La santa piccola) check this youtube clip I just found (no sex scenes obviously), there are lots of homoerotic and gay moments between actors Francesco Pellegrino who plays Lino and Vincenzo Antonucci who plays Mario.
The scene from Blessed Boys / La Santa Piccola is extremely hot, but the men don't show anything!!! Not even a good take of their naked butts!!! No wonder the film was directed by a woman; female directors are the worst when it comes to filming naked men, much worse than the most recalcitrant male-chauvinist directors.
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