Gay Wrestling Discussion (bg East, Fightplace, Thunders, Hbwl, Etc.)

What do y'all think about the current gay wrestling companies out there? Any favorites or least favorites? Any things that certain companies could do better or do away with?

I feel like there's a mix of different things for everyone to enjoy. I'm still hoping for Can-Am to make a return, but COVID put an indefinite halt on that. However, their recent videos haven't been matching the vibe of their old ones. I miss their Canadian Oil Wrestling series.
ucw for me
What do y'all think about the current gay wrestling companies out there? Any favorites or least favorites? Any things that certain companies could do better or do away with?

I feel like there's a mix of different things for everyone to enjoy. I'm still hoping for Can-Am to make a return, but COVID put an indefinite halt on that. However, their recent videos haven't been matching the vibe of their old ones. I miss their Canadian Oil Wrestling series.
Anyone know what happened to Reese wells. He was such a hot little fucker
Yeah have always been curious about him. Looks like he had some pro training. But guys who look like that have an uphill climb in the pros. A few make it and do well, but the ratio is still pretty lopsided. My guess is he was doing some indy work and someone pointed him to the underground scene where he could at least make a few bucks.
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I recall seeing some of his indie pro wrestling matches in the olden days of YouTube. I can’t remember what name he went by though so don’t know if those matches are still there (would be fun to see again if so). But I believe he’s from New Zealand, if I’m remembering correctly. So it’s possible that’s where he is now.
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Yeah have always been curious about him. Looks like he had some pro training. But guys who look like that have an uphill climb in the pros. A few make it and do well, but the ratio is still pretty lopsided. My guess is he was doing some indy work and someone pointed him to the underground scene where he could at least make a few bucks.
His bgeast vids are hot to watch
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Yeah, nothing really jumped out to me in this catalog.
Seems like they all use the same guys now... most of the guys in that new catalog are on 5 other sites. And none of them are particularly amazing. I'm sure OnlyFans and all the other sites that let guys control their own content and let them earn the money for themselves are doing in the underground wrestling companies.
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Seems like they all use the same guys now... most of the guys in that new catalog are on 5 other sites. And none of them are particularly amazing. I'm sure OnlyFans and all the other sites that let guys control their own content and let them earn the money for themselves are doing in the underground wrestling companies.
Lobo does more erotic stuff on his onlyfans compared to what he does for the companies, if that's the case then the companies have to start mixing things up because I feel like their current videos just aren't making me open my wallet.
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I don't find the roster on BGE to be enticing as well, and haven't for years. I keep hoping that they'll introduce new wrestlers that I can get into, but with every new catalogue it's a major letdown.

I wish someone would make a documentary about BGEast though. I'm sure the owner/producers at BGE have lots of juicy stories to tell. This story for instance, how is there not a Netflix True Crime limited series on this yet: Millionaire's Murder Case Opens the Book on Flings With Male Porn Stars, Strippers. Justin DeVinney appeared in many BGE titles as Justin Pierce and also appeared in Playgirl.