Gay Wrestling Discussion (bg East, Fightplace, Thunders, Hbwl, Etc.)

He has appeared in other websites too
Maybe my all-time fave, which would be saying something..
I only know of him working for Thunders as "Cena" -- unfortunately he put on some weight and wasn't as ripped as with RHW and 88W, still hot as F.
Would love any further info on "Tanner" - other websites, social media, real name, etc., etc.
I've been obsessed for a long time and spent so many hours trying to research him...
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I've also tried for years to track down the real Troy Baker on the Internet.
The closest I came was finding was a possible reference to "MJ" in a tag team match of his with "Brad."
Love Troy's BGEast matches from back in the day, especially vs Justin Pierce; plus Justin Pierce vs Aryx!!
Hi everyone. May I find a video here? Does anyone has the video of Donnie Drake VS Rio Garza from BG East?
OMG, Rio/Alan Valdez is another of my long time top faves....
Injured himself some years ago but has adapted his workout and still looks amazing!!
Only Top 5?! Yeesh... :emoji_sweat_smile:

I guess if by "erotic" you mean actually blew a load in the ring, then (in no particular order):

Brett Mycles
Ethan Slade
Topher DiMaggio
Paul Perris
Marcus Mojo

(though I also want to include Jimmy Dean, Gabriel Cross, Aryx Quinn, Roger Marvick, and Wade Cutler... and doubtless more besides the more I think on it LMAO)
Great list!!
Poor Brett...
Maybe my all-time fave, which would be saying something..
I only know of him working for Thunders as "Cena" -- unfortunately he put on some weight and wasn't as ripped as with RHW and 88W, still hot as F.
Would love any further info on "Tanner" - other websites, social media, real name, etc., etc.
I've been obsessed for a long time and spent so many hours trying to research him...
His occupation seems to be a coach, I don't know, but he got married last year so I think Tanner Hill retired, which means he will never appear in underground wrestling again.
Maybe my all-time fave, which would be saying something..
I only know of him working for Thunders as "Cena" -- unfortunately he put on some weight and wasn't as ripped as with RHW and 88W, still hot as F.
Would love any further info on "Tanner" - other websites, social media, real name, etc., etc.
I've been obsessed for a long time and spent so many hours trying to research him...
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Maybe my all-time fave, which would be saying something..
I only know of him working for Thunders as "Cena" -- unfortunately he put on some weight and wasn't as ripped as with RHW and 88W, still hot as F.
Would love any further info on "Tanner" - other websites, social media, real name, etc., etc.
I've been obsessed for a long time and spent so many hours trying to research him...
I shared his Instagram with you but I didn’t know if you could see it.