ghostisposting (they:them)

Imma need some sauce/screenshots on this real quick
Wish I could, though I think he deleted, though I saw him on gay tinder too. Not in his area anymore so haven’t seen him since. Will screenshot when he pops up again. Pretty sure it was the real deal since the accounts were in his hometown
For those wondering, he is very open about his sexuality. If you listen to his old podcasts, he talks about hooking up with girls and dating guys. He's even talked about the type of guys he likes. This isn't news. Oh and you probably did see him on grindr he's talking about random dude hookups from socials and weirdos that say some messed up stuff to him.
For those wondering, he is very open about his sexuality. If you listen to his old podcasts, he talks about hooking up with girls and dating guys. He's even talked about the type of guys he likes. This isn't news. Oh and you probably did see him on grindr he's talking about random dude hookups from socials and weirdos that say some messed up stuff to him.
Do you happen to remember what kind of guys he likes so I can change into that immediately?
he used to do podcasts and had them uploaded on youtube. the channel name is "prude dudes." if there's another channel, let us know!
i haven't watched all of the podcasts yet, but it'd be cool if someone pointed out which ones where patrick discusses his sexuality and stuff
edit: episodes 1 through 23 are not on the podcast playlist. are these potentially the ones where he discussed his sexuality ??