Girth Loss After Dr. Loria Procedure. Anyone else have this happen?


Sexy Member
Apr 15, 2022
Township of Clarion, Pennsylvania, US
No Response
I had Dr. Loria's girth enhancement procedure. My first round was in April 2022. I went from. 4.25 inches flaccid to 5.25 after round one.

My second procedure was in July 2022. I gained one more inch of flaccid girth to 6.25 inches. My erect girth was 6.7 inches by this point.

My results held solid for a year and a half. By early 2024 it was noticeable and after measuring I'm down to 5.75 inches in girth. I also have several hard lumps and bumps which also occurred around the same time.

I reached out to Dr. Loria's office and have an appointment next month. His assistant told me I lost a half inch of girth because that was the swelling going down, but that can't be the case I had he gave me a year and a half, not just a month or two. I am hoping he will remove the lumps and bumps, but also restore it to the girth he originally gave me.

Has anyone else been through this? He promises permanent results, but my results only lasted a year and a half so that's not very permanent to me. And I'm wondering how much more I'll lose if I don't go see him, and if he will cover it at his expense.
From what I understand, Dr. Loria uses injectable silicone. While injectable silicone was used cosmetically in the 80’s and 90’s, it’s not used anymore because the results warp over time, migrating and building scar tissue in unpredictable patterns.

The lumps would have to be cut out. Seems unlikely he’d do the procedure for free, and I wouldn’t recommend having him restore your lost size. It’ll just cause more issues in the future
From what I understand, Dr. Loria uses injectable silicone. While injectable silicone was used cosmetically in the 80’s and 90’s, it’s not used anymore because the results warp over time, migrating and building scar tissue in unpredictable patterns.

The lumps would have to be cut out. Seems unlikely he’d do the procedure for free, and I wouldn’t recommend having him restore your lost size. It’ll just cause more issues in the future
I don't know. They promised they could remove the lumps, and they agreed the size decreased from the pics I sent vs their data from my last procedure, but his promise is permanent results. Mine weren't. So, I was hoping he'd honor his word and see if anyone out there with experience could speak to this. But I appreciate that information.
A second opinion from a Board Certified Surgeon would be something to consider. And yes, I have had several enlargement procedures performed by accomplished MDs and have been very satisfied with the results.
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Yes, The first round of my procedures involved a ligament release and micronised fat transfer. The surgeon (now retired) was upfront about fat dissipation. The second round of filler treatments was solely intended to bulk what I had lost. I have had no loss of girth, no nodules or filler migration.
Yes, The first round of my procedures involved a ligament release and micronised fat transfer. The surgeon (now retired) was upfront about fat dissipation. The second round of filler treatments was solely intended to bulk what I had lost. I have had no loss of girth, no nodules or filler migration.
I'm honestly glad that hasn't happened to you. As you've read in my initial post, I've had filler, loss, nodules, and migration, all three, but it took 18 months after the second procedure for it to happen. And, two years ago, severe infection. My hope really is that it's just me, not the physician or the procedure, and that it doesn't happen to anyone else. We'll see if it gets rectified at the end of this month when I fly to Miami for a post-evaluation.
Post procedure aftercare is really critical, as you know there is a whole world of potential issues that can arise. Infection is what concerned me the most ! The Surgeon that performed my ligament release describing the bacteria habitating in the crotch area got my attention. Send a DM if you want a more information on the MD that corrected my fat loss. Best of luck to you !
From what I understand, Dr. Loria uses injectable silicone. While injectable silicone was used cosmetically in the 80’s and 90’s, it’s not used anymore because the results warp over time, migrating and building scar tissue in unpredictable patterns.

The lumps would have to be cut out. Seems unlikely he’d do the procedure for free, and I wouldn’t recommend having him restore your lost size. It’ll just cause more issues in the future
I got to see it. It looks like superglue. I just recently went in for my correction. Of the four lumps I had he covered over three of them and drained the fourth, which was the largest. Everything went perfectly fine.