I had Dr. Loria's girth enhancement procedure. My first round was in April 2022. I went from. 4.25 inches flaccid to 5.25 after round one.
My second procedure was in July 2022. I gained one more inch of flaccid girth to 6.25 inches. My erect girth was 6.7 inches by this point.
My results held solid for a year and a half. By early 2024 it was noticeable and after measuring I'm down to 5.75 inches in girth. I also have several hard lumps and bumps which also occurred around the same time.
I reached out to Dr. Loria's office and have an appointment next month. His assistant told me I lost a half inch of girth because that was the swelling going down, but that can't be the case I had he gave me a year and a half, not just a month or two. I am hoping he will remove the lumps and bumps, but also restore it to the girth he originally gave me.
Has anyone else been through this? He promises permanent results, but my results only lasted a year and a half so that's not very permanent to me. And I'm wondering how much more I'll lose if I don't go see him, and if he will cover it at his expense.
My second procedure was in July 2022. I gained one more inch of flaccid girth to 6.25 inches. My erect girth was 6.7 inches by this point.
My results held solid for a year and a half. By early 2024 it was noticeable and after measuring I'm down to 5.75 inches in girth. I also have several hard lumps and bumps which also occurred around the same time.
I reached out to Dr. Loria's office and have an appointment next month. His assistant told me I lost a half inch of girth because that was the swelling going down, but that can't be the case I had he gave me a year and a half, not just a month or two. I am hoping he will remove the lumps and bumps, but also restore it to the girth he originally gave me.
Has anyone else been through this? He promises permanent results, but my results only lasted a year and a half so that's not very permanent to me. And I'm wondering how much more I'll lose if I don't go see him, and if he will cover it at his expense.