Gray eberley

For me he is the standout star of the entire CAP74024 shoot
I just love how open and comfortable he is, thats why he has the most pages among all the models!
Let’s hope he doesn’t share the same fate as Seth Kuhmann who was the star of Klein‘s last prominent full frontal shoot. Shortly after, Seth supposedly found a sugar daddy and dropped off the face of the earth.
I dont know the back story behind this but its 100% him. Anyway everyone can stop wondering what he looks like naked and save their hard earned money from buying the book...Merry Christmas early!
looks like him to me......check out his thumbs in earlier pics, they are a match.
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Thank you very much!! Not to be annoying but would you mind sharing the other half of the spread as well? It seems to give us a better view of that ass...
i would have posted it if it was the case :
