Greyson Hoelzel (0diaryofasimpykid On Tiktok)

Got any picks or vids?

Tiktok is so unpredictable with lives. Half the time it doesn't alert me.

Nah I didn't record it, it was a super long live and he was doing homework, super smart and really nice guy hey. Someone asked about onlyfans and it seems like hell never get one but I think that's part of the allure that he isn't a fuck boy, altho he does have a date on this weekend
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I hope he doesn't get annoyed by the same questions nonstop every single live.

How tall are you? How old are you? Where do you go to school? What's your major? Where do you live? Only fans?

That's what I was thinking, it was asked so many times during the same live. He's fans base seems to be young girls, not many gay were on the live
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That's what I was thinking, it was asked so many times during the same live. He's fans base seems to be young girls, not many gay were on the live

Yep, I almost get the feeling like it's yet to occur to him the amount of guys that are probably on his stream as well.
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He will "never" do an onlyfans. About 3 or so weeks ago someone asked on live and he replied the only reason he wouldn't do one is because he couldn't face his parents or answer to them if he did one. So...there you guys have it lol.
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Yeah you can kind of guess how big his flaccid length is...average sized balls.

LOL he was kind of innocent at first that people were getting online to see the goods...until he looked into the mirror hahaha!
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For those who didnt get to see it

Not sure what kind of phone or device you're using (Apple or Android) but when I'm on my phone (Galaxy S10) when you're on the live, if you swipe right it removes the chat and scrolling so the video is clear.

EDIT: or if you want to record with the chat thats fine too lol.
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