Hey guys. I’m having a situation that I need your help with. There’s someone who lives near me, who I used to hook up with years ago, but it’s over and I moved on. I don’t dislike him, but I just don’t want to hook up ever again. He comes and goes on Grindr and other apps, and always taps me or sends one word messages like “sup”. I’ve regularly explained to him that I’m not interested, but he keeps this up. So, I just try to ignore it or only respond to every 20th or so “sup” or tap. If I don’t respond for a long time he messages and calls me rude. I was off line for a week or so and received a string of “sups”. In an ideal world he’s mature enough to handle me being on Grindr without feeling the need to constantly reach out. This doesn’t seem to be really happening though. I’ve blocked him many times in the past but he’ll just make a new profile and resume this behavior. I’ve tried to be mature and explain that we’re not sexually compatible (he’s a strict side and won’t bottom, while I’m a top). He seems to understand for a while but then goes back to the old behavior. I don’t think he’s dangerous or anything, but I’m exhausted with being in this pattern for years! Any thoughts???