Thanks for your sympathy, and it did screw me up for life in some ways the FIRST time she left because she had "found someone bigger" because she did it to me at a young,vulnerable age. She was only my third serious relationship, I had been deeply in love with her and instead of blaming her for being shallow, I blamed myself for being inadequate.
But that second incident a year after our first breakup was so ludicrous, it showed me that it was all her, not me, who was the one with the problem.
It also turned me on to appreciating cock size as a unique and undeniable form of beauty, but not in the negative way she had thought of it.
I found the girl of my dreams a couple of months after the second incident--a beautiful woman who had just broken up with a lover with 11 inches because she was too small for him, it was too painful though she loved the beauty of his cock and shared her experiences with me (mostly while we were screwing!

and was excited by how I had reversed the effect of the trauma from fearing rejection to admiring the beauty of male ultra-endowment. She encouraged me to explore my bi side with hung men. We have been happily married for over 20 years and have had two friends, well endowed but not nearly as big as I had always hoped for (less than 8"), but we had really fun 3way relationships with each that lasted a couple years out of the 20+. This was a great solution because I got to turn the mythology of large penis supremacy into a positive fantasy instead of a threat, and my wife proved that for some women my size was better than a huge partner. OTH, for ME I needed someone bigger than them to feel I had had that "experience" I sought, to make the fantasy come true. So ironically, while I'm perfect for my wife, and I love her madly, I'm more sexually frustrated than ever.
Unfortunately, I never did hook up with anyone really well hung who was compatible enough, which has left me with the frustration of still wondering what it would be like to have the fantasy fulfilled. I've often thought I could have "gotten it out of my system" if I had happened to meet the right male but just never had the right luck. I was incredibly lucky to meet my wife, so I don't fail to recognize that it would be like winning the Powerball twice, but for awhile thought maybe it could happen, maybe it was not just "luck" but something more to do with using the mind the right way to find your "soul mate," which my wife and I definitely are. But I can't help but feel that there was supposed to be a male soul mate as well, and that if we had found him we all three would have been in nirvahna.
I had a few chances to have the physical experience, but always with guys who I just couldn't get into it with on a personal level, and to me part of the fantasy is a certain attitude and personality on the part of the male partner, so I had to pass on those potential experiences. I also tried very hard, for years, to change my feelings and find an average or small size exciting, to ignore cock size completley... but only had my original feelings reconfirmed. Sometimes I think if I had just happened to have run into a super hung guy early on and had a couple of bad sexual sessions with him, I'd have gotten over it--that basically happened to me with women; I had sex with a woman with huge breasts when I was 20, and though it was good sex, and I liked her a lot, it "cured" me of any tendency to "need" that experience later. Because I am not strictly hetero, and this unrequited desire eats away at me, it throws me off balance and makes it hard to keep having sex with my wonderful wife--when I can express my sexuality to both genders, I feel sexual; when I can't express it to one of the two, I do not. I feel badly I can't rev up more for my wife, but without the male there, it's damn near impossible for me.
The damage left on my psyche was indelible. There was and is no way you could undo whatever nuerons or brain cells it was burned into by her that bigger is better. I can tell you without any doubt that it is irreversible short of a lobotomoy. But my method of "making lemons out of lemonade" in response to the trauma was to use the sick attitude she expressed as fuel for fantasies that for me are like the crack cocaine of erotic imagination. It isn't as healthy as the average normal person's coffee or chocolate or alcohol level of mind alteration that forms the basis for most people's way of thinking of sex, but if I ever do find a hung partner to express my bi side to, the three of us will be extremely happy.
(Again, take a look at the stories I wrote in the fiction section.)