Grown some more

I do believe you! I actually have the same problem that you do!
I didn't have a tumour, it just keeps getting longer and longer.
I'm about your same size, but I like what I have. It was a problem for me.
Why don't you email me? And we can discuss it.
Send me a private message, and let's talk!
Your friend, Rob.
Originally posted by gooseneck@May 25 2005, 08:22 AM
My mother is a doctor, so it was easy to find info on this "illness" you have. It said that physical symptoms included the tumor you had removed, but luckily now for you, it also said that "genitourinary abnormalities" is a symptom. This diction does not really sound positive but there are good and bad things i guess, which is a blessing in disguise for you. Mayb u can b a "star" in a certain "online nudity" industry. :D J/K

There was also mentioning of hypoglycemia, gigantism, etc n what i found. I m new to this thread, but r these issues for u???
[post=314494]Quoted post[/post]​

No, i really dont have many problems with it anymore besides appearance issues. Most of the problems i had happened when i was young, and i just grew out of most of them.

Also, like i said before, my case is very mild when compared to others.
Glad to see your spirits are up Overlord. All any of us can do is accept what we have and make the most of it, but at 14 x 9.3 your "most" is something and a half :) :)

Take care man