Guys pissing

Had anyone figured out who he is?
Ugh, I remember a long while ago, I got an answer from a detective, on here no less. Maybe if I go through my old posts, I can find the reply! I shall try later tonight. 🧙‍♂️

I’ve been looking for this video for literal years. Anyone know who he is?
Oh you poor child, @thegraymerchant has been literally everywhere for the past decade. I can't believe he's evaded you for so long. 🤣 You'll find tons of him though for free (Google, ThisVid, et al). He started on XTube or something, I think, but basically for free for the joy of it way before he got a JFF/OF account. Therefore, lots of free content floating around. Sometimes under "smiling otter self-pissing" and other generic titles like such.
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