Guys Stripped By Friends

Does anyone have this video? It used to be on pornhub b4 the purge with the name "Guy trying to Cover his Hole while Friends Mess with him".
The internet used to be such a wild place, a much more fun place. Tumblr was a hotbed for amateur porn, YouTube ostensibly banned nudity, but in practice, unless it involved a minor or was blatantly sexual, they didn't care about nudity, TikTok was awash with videos of guys getting pantsed (which I know still exist, but you have to be very clever to get around the censors)... For that matter, so was YouTube, that's where so many of these videos originally came from.
I kind of miss the wild West of the old Internet.
It is interesting to see how around the world, the act of stripping off a friend by a group of young males has a strong resonance. There seems something innate in the behaviour of groups of adolescents to do this. I do wonder what the triggers are. I remember many years ago, being stripped by a couple of fiends whist on a camping holiday. The shorts were pulled off and then a few minutes later, off came my briefs. I didn't really minds as we had all gone to the same school and had seen each other naked whist showering after sport. I was more concerned that my undies were clean after along day of travelling. Thankfully they were. I do remember being complimented on how clean they were. This was a relief.
I suppose the victim does not always see the funny side of it at the time and struggles to retain their dignity. I suppose the struggle is all part and parcel of the ritual. It is a form of strip wrestling, but being outnumbered. I assume the humiliation is a part of the bonding. Perhaps the alternative is when a very extrovert member of a group strips naked to the enjoyment and friends. In the past it was for the moment. Now with mobile phones, the act is now recorded for posterity and shared beyond the intimate friends.
I do think such activities are more open to criticism and potential legal action if the person does not see the funny side of it and has a serious sense of humour failure. I suppose you have to choose your 'victim' with great care. Clearly, the victim is not giving consent. I suspect if we lived in a society where nudity with others was more prevalent, the stripping of friend would not have the same effect.
It would be interring to know how many of you have been stripped naked by your friends.
It is interesting to see how around the world, the act of stripping off a friend by a group of young males has a strong resonance. There seems something innate in the behaviour of groups of adolescents to do this. I do wonder what the triggers are. I remember many years ago, being stripped by a couple of fiends whist on a camping holiday. The shorts were pulled off and then a few minutes later, off came my briefs. I didn't really minds as we had all gone to the same school and had seen each other naked whist showering after sport. I was more concerned that my undies were clean after along day of travelling. Thankfully they were. I do remember being complimented on how clean they were. This was a relief.
I suppose the victim does not always see the funny side of it at the time and struggles to retain their dignity. I suppose the struggle is all part and parcel of the ritual. It is a form of strip wrestling, but being outnumbered. I assume the humiliation is a part of the bonding. Perhaps the alternative is when a very extrovert member of a group strips naked to the enjoyment and friends. In the past it was for the moment. Now with mobile phones, the act is now recorded for posterity and shared beyond the intimate friends.
I do think such activities are more open to criticism and potential legal action if the person does not see the funny side of it and has a serious sense of humour failure. I suppose you have to choose your 'victim' with great care. Clearly, the victim is not giving consent. I suspect if we lived in a society where nudity with others was more prevalent, the stripping of friend would not have the same effect.
It would be interring to know how many of you have been stripped naked by your friends.
I've been stripped a few times, I've participated in stripping others a few times. Of course, much more common was a basic pantsing, that happened much more often, both on the receiving and giving side. This was well before smart phones. Smart phones have been a double edged sword, in some ways it makes the ritual of "forced" nudity better (while you know that friends who weren't there will now be able to see your humiliation, you won't be left out of witnessing other friends humiliation, it expands the bonding of mutual embarrassment, seeing someone naked and being seen naked does make for a strong bond, there is an intimacy to it, even at a platonic level, you are now in a the of inner circle), in a lot of ways it has made it a lot worse (part of the innocence was the "you had to be there" factor, plus it has allowed for what used to be a somewhat intimate moment into a public spectacle... Which as a member of the public, I appreciate being able to witness the spectacle, but I understand how that has caused a lot of problems).
As for why it is now under so much more criticism, it's moved from being something that everyone knew happened, but they had plausible deniability of, to something that has solid evidence that it happens and we are forced to address it. And as a society, we are really bad at nuance, we can't enunciate the words for why this is different from things we can all agree are wrong (ganging up on a stranger in a park and stepping them naked, displaying them for all to see, potentially touching them in private areas, would rightfully be called sexual assault, so how do we justify the same series of events happening to a friend in the basement during game night being a bonding experience... Of course, the answer is, your friend is someone who you already have a level of intimacy with, and I don't mean that in a sexual way, there is an understanding that you are the "victim" today, but next week you could be the instigator, there is a level of trust that you will push the limits of embarrassment, but won't cross the line into anything physically harmful or overly traumatic).
It's kind of a shame, I know that barring some major changes in society or technology, future generations are going to grow up (are already growing up) in a society where there is no such thing as a private moment, which also means there is no room for the type of "inappropriate" interactions that push boundaries, but firm up relationships (ironically, you need to push and test boundaries in order to have a healthy understanding of them).
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Thank you for you comment. You have added to the discussion. Yes, phones on cameras have added a dimension of recording the event which can add extra complexity. I also agree on the idea of nuance. It is similar to an e-mail being interpreted in two or more ways by different people. It is interesting that a lot of filmed scenarios are in same sex settings and is considered more acceptable. I agree, it is connected with bonding. In say a bar or on stage it is males essentially volunteering themselves in a round about way to be exposed and humiliated in front of a mixed sex audience, no doubt with inhibitions lowered by the consumption of alcohol. The audience expects that someone will volunteer to be humiliated and there never seems to be a lack of gullible volunteers.
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Es interesante ver cómo, en todo el mundo, el acto de desnudar a un amigo por parte de un grupo de jóvenes tiene una fuerte resonancia. Parece haber algo innato en el comportamiento de los grupos de adolescentes que hace esto. Me pregunto cuáles son los desencadenantes. Recuerdo que hace muchos años, un par de amigos me desnudaron mientras estábamos de vacaciones en un camping. Me quitaron los pantalones cortos y, unos minutos después, me quité los calzoncillos. En realidad, no me importó, ya que todos habíamos ido a la misma escuela y nos habíamos visto desnudos mientras nos duchábamos después de hacer deporte. Me preocupaba más que mi ropa interior estuviera limpia después de un largo día de viaje. Afortunadamente, lo estaba. Recuerdo que me felicitaron por lo limpia que estaba. Fue un alivio.
Supongo que la víctima no siempre ve el lado divertido de las cosas en ese momento y lucha por mantener su dignidad. Supongo que la lucha es parte integral del ritual. Es una forma de lucha libre, pero en inferioridad numérica. Supongo que la humillación es parte del vínculo. Tal vez la alternativa sea cuando un miembro muy extrovertido de un grupo se desnuda para el disfrute de los amigos. En el pasado era para el momento. Ahora, con los teléfonos móviles, el acto se graba para la posteridad y se comparte más allá de los amigos íntimos.
Creo que este tipo de actividades son más susceptibles de críticas y posibles acciones legales si la persona no ve el lado divertido de las mismas y tiene un grave fallo en el sentido del humor. Supongo que hay que elegir a la "víctima" con mucho cuidado. Está claro que la víctima no está dando su consentimiento. Sospecho que si viviéramos en una sociedad en la que la desnudez con otras personas fuera más frecuente, desnudar a un amigo no tendría el mismo efecto.
Sería interesante saber cuántos de ustedes han sido desnudados por sus amigos.
Para mi cumpleaños número 18 como tradición. Mis amigos me desnudaron y me ataron a un poste. Me tiraron harina y huevo en todo el cuerpo. Luego me afeitaron la cabeza y mi bello púbico.