Hard core jerkin off

There's a site called "JackinWorld"??!! Hee. I might check that out too, for interest's sake. :)

Female replying: 3 orgasms each session used to be my 'norm' when I was a kid, and I would usually have a session in the morning and at night. One time in my 20s, I spent a whole weekend masturbating and made myself ill. I had to call in sick on the Monday! Being married, I go thru cycles where I only do it once a month, then once a week. Lately, reading at this site and at Literotica, and writing my own stories, the number is climbing again to at least once a day.

One day (at work!) I did it 3 times, then came home, got to have sex and masturbate some more with hubby watching. I'm horny in my middle-age.
I have no idea how many hand jobs I ever did in one day, HOWEVER, when I was 11 or 12, a neighbor girl (same age) and I started in around 7:00 in the morning and stopped at around 9:00 p.m. for the 12th time screwing.

Hung Low in Thiva said:
what no ladies, how many climaxes in a day

15 in one day, I think. It was two sessions with 8 orgasms in one and 7 in another. The most at one time is 13.

Usually I do 2 in a session, and I think the most in day (since i've been a teenager) is probably 7 or 8. Recently, I average 1-2 a day...and this is with a very fulfilling sex life with my bf. Not only that, I am finding myself getting hornier and hornier the further I get into my 30's! Yikes.

ThaitAss said:
There's a site called "JackinWorld"??!! Hee. I might check that out too, for interest's sake. :)

Female replying: 3 orgasms each session used to be my 'norm' when I was a kid, and I would usually have a session in the morning and at night. One time in my 20s, I spent a whole weekend masturbating and made myself ill. I had to call in sick on the Monday! Being married, I go thru cycles where I only do it once a month, then once a week. Lately, reading at this site and at Literotica, and writing my own stories, the number is climbing again to at least once a day.

One day (at work!) I did it 3 times, then came home, got to have sex and masturbate some more with hubby watching. I'm horny in my middle-age.

You should do a video!
HSHung0788 said:
I got to 15 once but that last 3 I didnt even cum......
So that'll be 12 then, how can you count them if you didn't cum?
Spladle said:
You clearly need to read the rest of the thread if you think ten would've been a record-breaker. :p

...not really in the habit of wasting time, kiddo. :p

i meant a record breaker for you....
4 for one right after the other, max overall was 8 (not the same day), never went dry tho.
i've had 9 in one day but i was very young about 11 i think. these days if i dont masturbate at least 3 or 4 times a day then I'm walking around with a massive hard on. i seriously need to get laid hahaha!
Are we suppost to count ?

Hell i just jack and who cares how many times. I dont count, I just do it till it feels good to stop. Horny is always good!
7 times in one day was my record ...

Two thoughts to remember:
Masturbation is like procrastination ... it's all fun until you realize you're just fucking yourself.

and ... as my ex bf used to say ... if you jerk off too much, then a little flag that says "Bang" will eventually come out, cuz you've got nothing left. :-D
The most in 24 hours -- 11x jacking off (the few were dry, but the orgasm was intense)

The most in 1 hour -- 5x jacking/BJs