Harris dickinson

#harris dickinson from 🤫
#harris dickinson from 🤫
#harris dickinson from 🤫
#harris dickinson from 🤫
#harris dickinson from 🤫

#harris dickinson from 🤫
Where is this from? Me LIKEY!!! 🤤
Jesus Christ. The amount of repeat posts on this thread. Have you ever googled Harris? Even once? Have you looked thru this thread? Do you know who he is?

It’s so frustrating to people who follow these threads regularly to have to get notifications for posts like this.
Jesus Christ. The amount of repeat posts on this thread. Have you ever googled Harris? Even once? Have you looked thru this thread? Do you know who he is?

It’s so frustrating to people who follow these threads regularly to have to get notifications for posts like this.
On LPSG, Google is a mysterious and probably dangerous site to use. The work it takes to figure out how to use such a fancy website is overwhelming and might cause strokes.

I have never seen a movie he is in, but I am going to make the guess it is Beach Rats.
I just watched BabyGirl, I gave it 3 stars, but I somehow enjoyed myself.

More than the acting, I liked the powerful message of the movie. I've seen tons of people in real life, and celebrities and notable people in media and TV, lose everything due to their sexual urges.

Sexual urges and human nature don't mix well, and this movie was a warning for me, for everyone, big or small. Relevant or irrelevant, to choose wisely. When it comes to sexual urges and YOUR REPUTATION, there are not gray areas.
I think I lot of you completely missed what the movie was about and what it was saying. Or completely didn’t understand that this is an art film, not some mainstream blockbuster.

A lot of that is going on over in the Drew Starkey thread in regard to Queer. By their names alone it should be clear that these films are something different.

I think this video of the director breaking down a scene might provide a window into what you were to be experiencing in Babygirl:

Watch Nicole Kidman and Harris Dickinson Connect in ‘Babygirl’