You lot are the worst set of horny pressuring queens I’ve ever witnessed. This is the same story that happens on every straight gullible guys page. Starts off showing his 'asset' gays become obsessed making stupid comments on underwear posts like 'fOr FrEe?!?' Constantly pressure him into twitter or only fans. Guy feels the love and opportunity for cash. Sets up a page ON HIS OWN TERMS AND WHAT HES COMFORTABLE WITH. Rabid gays instantly turn against him call him a scammer cos he’s not getting his arsehole battered. start saying he’s got a terrible personality and not even that good looking.
Next stage is tearing him down, stalking and messaging his family, until he gives up.
Don’t like it unsubscribe unfollow and move on but the constant barrage of toxic hate, criticism and frankly abuse thrown about no wonder he’s saying he has been affected. All over arse picks….