Harrison Slade - Instagram fitness coach

I think it's about time to unfollow this thread.

Cause at this point there's been way too much back and forth about his butt and people being disappointed about not seeing his butt, and how all of a sudden he's now considered a "scammer" (by some) because they haven't been able to see his butt in the way they wanted.

In no way am I defending him, but it's all just a bunch of pointless bickering over a guy who's only skill set on social media is showing off his butt. A guy who doesn't give a damn about his followers, but only their likes and money.
Same here
The dude went all crazy about showing off his bare naked butt and then there after started acting like someone who needs to see a psychiatrist that enjoys a challenge.

With that being said, what makes anyone think he's ever going to show the entire internet world his uncovered bare naked dick, no matter soft or hard.

Cause judging by his behavior from his butt, he'd probably pass out and need to be hospitalized if he showed his dick.
He’s clearly very hot and could make a lot of money if he done an OF style page properly. But, if he doesn’t want to do that that’s his choice. However, don’t hype people for weeks if not months teasing that you’re going to basically do OF and create a ‘waiting list’ and then cry about it when people feel misled… Yeah he’s cute, but once you’ve seen him topless you’ve seen him topless and it will soon tire and only be left with about 5 saddos each called Steve or Keith who hold on to the fact they think they will meet him one day. Honestly boring and not worth subscribing to anyone thinking about it and the ass pic is a big ass but just cheek. Also the same photos twice but in black and white to make it look like he posts more? Give me a break. He thinks it’s a fan club and calls everyone ‘fam’ all the while. Nobody is your fan and has any clue who you are, they just think you’re attractive… For someone who went to the effort of teasing and hyping and making waiting lists it really smacks of not thinking through or believing the consequences of making such a page. Will give it a year before he gives in and is properly on OF doing full videos as his current page will dry up within 4 months. Any one who still has resub on needs to realise he ain’t ever gonna love you… Lucky photographer though for those professional shoots
He’s clearly very hot and could make a lot of money if he done an OF style page properly. But, if he doesn’t want to do that that’s his choice. However, don’t hype people for weeks if not months teasing that you’re going to basically do OF and create a ‘waiting list’ and then cry about it when people feel misled… Yeah he’s cute, but once you’ve seen him topless you’ve seen him topless and it will soon tire and only be left with about 5 saddos each called Steve or Keith who hold on to the fact they think they will meet him one day. Honestly boring and not worth subscribing to anyone thinking about it and the ass pic is a big ass but just cheek. Also the same photos twice but in black and white to make it look like he posts more? Give me a break. He thinks it’s a fan club and calls everyone ‘fam’ all the while. Nobody is your fan and has any clue who you are, they just think you’re attractive… For someone who went to the effort of teasing and hyping and making waiting lists it really smacks of not thinking through or believing the consequences of making such a page. Will give it a year before he gives in and is properly on OF doing full videos as his current page will dry up within 4 months. Any one who still has resub on needs to realise he ain’t ever gonna love you… Lucky photographer though for those professional shoots
So at this point what's the status on his butt? Has he given up on it or is he still promoting it?
I have to say he really does exaggerate it in his videos, I saw the pics and while it’s a nice arse it’s nowhere near as big as you’d expect it to be the way he poses on TikTok etc.
Sadly this really is the truth, it’s not that nice. I got the Xmas pics today cos they were cheap and i was curious and his butt just isn’t as hot as he’s hyped it and he stands in such a way to make it appear bigger than it is. Plus the pouting. He should actually go back to ranting it was more interesting
I don't know why so many people do that, send nude pics of themselves to one of these guys. Actually I do know why they do it.

In their own wild and crazy mind they believe that whatever guy they send it to will fall madly in love with them and start exchanging sexual messages between each other. When the fact of the matter is that 99.99% of the time is the complete opposite of that.

Cause even if the guy you send your own nudes to is gay, it doesn't mean he'll be accepting of that. Especially from a stranger who is typically old enough to be their father and looks nothing like the hot guy who's receiving the content.
I wish I could like this comment Ten times over. It's the same thing when they send nudes to gay4pay performers then get mad and call said performer homophobic for not wanting to be sexually harassed
I wish I could like this comment Ten times over. It's the same thing when they send nudes to gay4pay performers then get mad and call said performer homophobic for not wanting to be sexually harassed
Yea gay men who do that don't seem to have any sense of logic or common sense. Then they come on websites like this complaining about how they were rejected by whatever hot guy and expect people to line up and be on their side. Then they get mad at us if we don't support them in their odd behavior.

Plus I know plenty of other gay men who too don't want some random stranger sending them sexual messages or nude pics of their body or body parts. Unless it's from an attractive guy who looks like these hot fitness guys. But 99.99% of the time the gay men who send out nude pictures of themselves never look anything like these hot guys we see online.
Yea gay men who do that don't seem to have any sense of logic or common sense. Then they come on websites like this complaining about how they were rejected by whatever hot guy and expect people to line up and be on their side. Then they get mad at us if we don't support them in their odd behavior.

Plus I know plenty of other gay men who too don't want some random stranger sending them sexual messages or nude pics of their body or body parts. Unless it's from an attractive guy who looks like these hot fitness guys. But 99.99% of the time the gay men who send out nude pictures of themselves never look anything like these hot guys we see online.
Literally this, I'm in the collin Simpson and matt creamygroilla threads and I'm having to remind these guys how they treated said performers before they finally snapped. Matt didnt snap he just said sucking dick felt degrading and gay guys are upset.

They're so delusional somehow they think these men doing porn it's open season to treat them any way they want, and when said performers ask them to stop they're homophobic or sometimes even called racist. I've said plenty of times I like dudes and even I wouldnt want to be treated the way some of these gay guys treat these performers. I certainly wouldn't want dick pics being sent to me by random guys I don't know or didnt find attractive