Actually this might give an opportunity to bring legit media attention to this issue. To expose the thinly-disguised homophobia behind his OnlyFans and others like it.
Exactly. He needs to be exposed
everyone needs to send messages to Disney and ABC. They have a code of ethics that everyone has to follow. He should be removed.
Absolutely, let's ruin a man's life because some gays didn't get dick.
You people are insane!!!What's the fucking point?He didn't show a cock,he's a scam,so what? He found idiots who pay him for nothing,is this his fault or your alk desperation?
It’s not really about that, he can show whatever he wants but it’s about making knowingly misleading captions for his content which is nothing else but scam
You people are insane!!!What's the fucking point?He didn't show a cock,he's a scam,so what? He found idiots who pay him for nothing,is this his fault or your alk desperation?
You’re missing the point. Some of us “idiots” paid because of his blatant false advertising, not because we are okay with “paying for nothing”. There is absolutely no reason why an OnlyFans model can’t be held to the same standards as anyone else.

And some would argue that it’s pretty “insane” for someone on a predominately gay website to be justifying the actions of a straight man who is blatantly exploiting gay men for money.

I’m personally okay with a bit of hustle when it comes to OF. I’m not okay with actually losing my money to a liar.
Him getting to scam people isnt the main issue here. The real issue is onlyfans not having a good system to be able to check in some way that the person at least has the content you are looking for.

They need some kind of preview system where you can see one video or image for free, but it's embedded in such a way that you can't download or screenshot it.
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It’s time to sit down with you morons that Onlyfans isn’t only for dick pics
It might be time for you to preview your posts before sending. That sentence doesn’t quite make sense.

I agree with what I THINK you’re trying to say however. Personally, 99.9 percent of my porn revolves around the glory and the splendour of the male ass. And our dear Harry has some pretty stellar shots of that pretty bare ass of his on his OF. Although you do have to go hunting for them..

Anyway, I think you’ve entirely missed the point. Jowsey, by advertising jerk-off videos, cum shots, full-frontal etc., and not delivering anything even REMOTELY close to that, is deliberately misleading his followers in a blatant cash-grab. And he’s doing it in the most cynical and crass way that I have yet seen on the website.

As others have pointed out, it’s as much about OnlyFans and their policies, as it is about the prats like Jowsey, who take advantage of it. But Harry Jowsey was a celebrity before he opened his account, making far more money than the average Joe who subs to his account. He is, in effect, getting richer off of stealing people’s hard-earned cash. Are you really okay with that?
It might be time for you to preview your posts before sending. That sentence doesn’t quite make sense.

I agree with what I THINK you’re trying to say however. Personally, 99.9 percent of my porn revolves around the glory and the splendour of the male ass. And our dear Harry has some pretty stellar shots of that pretty bare ass of his on his OF. Although you do have to go hunting for them..

Anyway, I think you’ve entirely missed the point. Jowsey, by advertising jerk-off videos, cum shots, full-frontal etc., and not delivering anything even REMOTELY close to that, is deliberately misleading his followers in a blatant cash-grab. And he’s doing it in the most cynical and crass way that I have yet seen on the website.

As others have pointed out, it’s as much about OnlyFans and their policies, as it is about the prats like Jowsey, who take advantage of it. But Harry Jowsey was a celebrity before he opened his account, making far more money than the average Joe who subs to his account. He is, in effect, getting richer off of stealing people’s hard-earned cash. Are you really okay with that?
Well said, bravo!! or brava!! whichever is correct. ;)