Has anyone else gone through plantar faccitis? what helped you get rid of it?

I don't care what you think but I am willing to place a bet that you will suffer a heart attack long before I do.

Pro linebackers complete at a very high level. Nevertheless, a fair number of them know that their weight and body composition is extremely unhealthy and they eventually do something about it. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-s...lineman-to-drop-massive-weight-221433702.html
This is offtopic, but pro-linebackers are usually fat, right at the gut, right where adipose fat forms and often hides the fact that visceral fat is surrounding their organs. It is visceral fat that leads to coronary. BMI is a good indicator for an average person, but it's just a guideline, not an absolute.
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My God, what the hell is wrong with you people anyway?

I have done absolutely nothing to deserve such insults. The guy admits on his own to being overweight and the only issue is by what amount. I don't read anywhere where I insulted him in any way, shape, out form.

Sheesh! Talk about people being dicks...
[QUOTE="AlteredEgo, post: 5683714, member: 63743]...BMI is a good indicator for an average person, but it's just a guideline, not an absolute.[/QUOTE]

Yes, and every indication is that the OP falls into the "average person" category, since he makes no claim to be otherwise.
[QUOTE="AlteredEgo, post: 5683714, member: 63743]...BMI is a good indicator for an average person, but it's just a guideline, not an absolute.

Yes, and every indication is that the OP falls into the "average person" category, since he makes no claim to be otherwise.[/QUOTE]
But he asked what to do about the pain in his foot, not whether or not he needed to lose more than the ten pounds he wants to lose. The fact is, as was pointed out to you, you have no idea how much of his weight is fat and how much is muscle, bone, and water. You have no idea how much of his fat is adipose, and how much is visceral. BMI does NOT differentiate between lean and fat mass, neither did @latinluva , NOR does his foot condition. This was also pointed out to you. Body composition is one of those sensitive areas where polite, sociable people know that unless you're family or lover, you don't comment unless asked. You were not asked. The OP made a declaration, and your response, though obviously well-intentioned, was rude.
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But he asked what to do about the pain in his foot, not whether or not he needed to lose more than the ten pounds he wants to lose. The fact is, as was pointed out to you, you have no idea how much of his weight is fat and how much is muscle, bone, and water. You have no idea how much of his fat is adipose, and how much is visceral. BMI does NOT differentiate between lean and fat mass, neither did @latinluva , NOR does his foot condition. This was also pointed out to you. Body composition is one of those sensitive areas where polite, sociable people know that unless you're family or lover, you don't comment unless asked. You were not asked. The OP made a declaration, and your response, though obviously well-intentioned, was rude.

Exactly, I'm happy with my weight, I just thought ten pounds would put me at the perfect weight. Doctor told me yesterday I was average weight.....trainer today checked me....said I was average weight. Blood pressure was fine, I never get winded when exercising. I just think dude is trolling trying to stir shit up, he gets off on that shit, all his comments on others are similar. Lots of know it all statements and hate driven statements. He has no sources and no profile, makes no claims to be a doctor or educated. As far as I'm concerned....he's just a box with some numbers and letters.
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And I have simply suggested that your delivery and insistence are crass and unnecessary. There are other ways of dealing with plantar fasciitis.
My God, what the hell is wrong with you people anyway?

I have done absolutely nothing to deserve such insults. The guy admits on his own to being overweight and the only issue is by what amount. I don't read anywhere where I insulted him in any way, shape, out form.

Sheesh! Talk about people being dicks...

The fact that you honestly believe that is the problem.
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This is offtopic, but pro-linebackers are usually fat, right at the gut, right where adipose fat forms and often hides the fact that visceral fat is surrounding their organs. It is visceral fat that leads to coronary. BMI is a good indicator for an average person, but it's just a guideline, not an absolute.
I was typing just this before work this morning and never got to finish. Show me a pro linebacker that's 8% body fat lol this muh'fucka...
The OP needs to get down to 150'ish just to be nicely within (but still at the high end of) the "normal" BMI range for his height.


People like to beat on BMI, but it is still the best measure available for everyone other than crazy, super muscular, body builders.

This is how I know you don't know what you are talking about.

BMI has been so widely disproven as a measure of healthy weight, I won't even bother to provide links like I normally do. Google that shot.

Waist circumference relative to height and weight provides a much better predictor of obesity related health risk because it accounts for location of fat.

5'7 and 170 could be quite healthy for his body type (thick bone structure, wide shoulders for example), or unhealthy if his waist is wider than his shoulders and he was not well muscled.
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yep, new and good quality boots/shoes, plan on replacing regularly, use good quality inserts, don't walk around barefoot. I went to Redwing for work boots and hiking boots, sized them up and put in support inserts, replace my primary boots every 18 months and even use inserts in my tennis shoes. It took some time but it did get better and never came back.
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This is how I know you don't know what you are talking about.

BMI has been so widely disproven as a measure of healthy weight, I won't even bother to provide links like I normally do. Google that shot.

Waist circumference relative to height and weight provides a much better predictor of obesity related health risk because it accounts for location of fat.

5'7 and 170 could be quite healthy for his body type (thick bone structure, wide shoulders for example), or unhealthy if his waist is wider than his shoulders and he was not well muscled.

Actually, the rule is that waist size (measured at the navel) in inches should be less than one half of height in inches. So, if he is 67 inches tall, his waist should be 33-1/2" or less.

I suspect he is significantly more than that.

And, yes, I know about BMI's limitations. I also know that from what I can see of the OP, those limitations probably do not apply to him.

I'm not nearly as stupid as some of you seem to think I am.
Actually, the rule is that waist size (measured at the navel) in inches should be less than one half of height in inches. So, if he is 67 inches tall, his waist should be 33-1/2" or less.

I suspect he is significantly more than that.

And, yes, I know about BMI's limitations. I also know that from what I can see of the OP, those limitations probably do not apply to him.

I'm not nearly as stupid as some of you seem to think I am.

Where did you find this rule? The 1970's? Such a rule assumes a standard waist-hip and shoulder-waist ratio, and again, there is so much research into the variation of body shapes (look up Somatotype theory, for example) that such hard and fast rules make for very poor and nonadaptive medicine.

I don't believe you are stupid at all. I just think you are spouting old school gospel that is over 20 years outdated and very much out of touch with current evidence based medicine.
In fact, maybe you should just do it yourself.


You will note that Waist-to-Height Ratio is, in fact, a relatively new concept borne out by hundreds of studies and meta-studies. Waist-to-Height Ratio serves as a direct measure of adipose fat and has proven to be a very strong predictor of underlying heart disease and undiagnosed diabetes, to name a few.

Perhaps you'll believe your own eyes. If not, well, I give up.
BMI while it may be a good suggestion doesn't apply to everyone. I happen to be 6' 3" 225lbs (~25lbs above BMI). When I questioned my doctor about it, he pretended to rip the chart up and then said "guys would give anything to be in your shoes"
I still frequently walk out on a basketball court and whip up on the 20 and 30 year olds :D
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BMI while it may be a good suggestion doesn't apply to everyone. I happen to be 6' 3" 225lbs (~25lbs above BMI). When I questioned my doctor about it, he pretended to rip the chart up and then said "guys would give anything to be in your shoes"
I still frequently walk out on a basketball court and whip up on the 20 and 30 year olds :D

That's true; your body type may very well throw off the typical BMI calculation.

However, don't put total trust in your doctor's comments. Sure, "guys would give anything to be in your shoes," however that is because Americans in general are a very overweight people. Just because you are less overweight than many does not mean that you are in your ideal form. As a rule, doctor's seemingly don't like discussing their patients weight unless the issue is severe and even then...



If you don't mind, what is your measured (at the navel) waist circumference? And, please, not your pant size, but your actual measured size.
I have been dealing withthis for about2years my self most people are going to tell you to lose wait but that takes time and when it hurts just to walk to the bathroom it's a little hard to exercise what has helped me was to get a foot roller to start stretching and some foot exercises most fours on YouTube but also to wear an arche support
I have been dealing withthis for about2years my self most people are going to tell you to lose wait but that takes time and when it hurts just to walk to the bathroom it's a little hard to exercise what has helped me was to get a foot roller to start stretching and some foot exercises most fours on YouTube but also to wear an arche support

OMG, my feet have been sooooooo much better after buying the perfect arch support and taking 3 200mg of Ibuprofen a day. Just once a day. I'm not suggesting you do the same. Check with a doctor and see what he/she says. Played basketball all week, ran a lil bit this week. Very very very lil soreness. Very happy camper.
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So glad to hear your PF is getting better. Had it myself a few years ago and I was miserable. Gave up running for awhile, completely changed my cardio routine. Got rid of anything that exacerbated the problem. Ibuprofen helped too, on the days when it was especially miserable. Back to normal now and can do pretty much anything, but I do try to vary my routine more than in the past. Don't want to go through that again. Glad you are on the road to recovery!