Hasan piker

I don’t think you understand the difference between Communism and Democratic Socialism. Democratic Socialism is good and can be very effective. Look at the Scandinavian and Nordic countries, and even Canada. Communism is not that. Communism has never been successful at achieving its stated goal of equality for all. It involves having a one-party system with a dictator. I know people who grew up in communist countries. There are some pros to Communist governments, such as religion never influencing laws like they do in the U.S. with abortion and stuff, but there are many more negatives to living under a Communist regime. You have little to no freedom. What you are going to do with your life is pretty much determined for you by the government. The government censors anything it feels is a threat, such as journalists, social media, music, movies, etc. Look at China. They removed all gay scenes from last year’s Bohemian Rhapsody. There is a reason why my friends who grew up in Communist countries left.

Okay sis...I get it you pressed. I will stop exercising my right as a person to salivate over a fine specimen of manhood because YOU deemed it unacceptable do to he’s politics.....jk hoe. Ima salivate over him, whenever, however the fuck I want....and btw using your “friend” story on this platform to make a point is very lowbrow. Now shoo
Isn’t this guy a Communist? I mean, he once said about the North Vietnamese: “the honorable revolutionary forces of North Vietnam”

I believe in Democratic Socialism, but Communism is bad and doesn’t work. Any one-party system where the government controls everything is bad. There needs to be balance.

I have no desire to kickstart this crap again but something needs to be clarified.

He's not a Communist. He's a Progressive whose ideologies fall more in line with the type of Democratic Socialism that Bernie seems to be encouraging.

I don't know if you are trolling or just misinformed....and don't care either way....since in one scenario you are making up lies and in the other, you are being willfully ignorant, either way, you clearly have an agenda to try and slander someone without any facts to back you up. That's a Conservative/FOX news tactic that obvious to anyone with critical reading skills.

As I said, I have no desire to reopen this debate but I saw no one else correcting this misinformation and that's how crap like this take root and become a "fact that everyone knows".

Granted I haven't kept abridge of everything he's written or every web/podcast he's presented since his time on Young Turks but I doubt his ideologies have changed. If you have proof I'd love to see it. You can even private message it since everyone else seems over it.
I have no desire to kickstart this crap again but something needs to be clarified.

He's not a Communist. He's a Progressive whose ideologies fall more in line with the type of Democratic Socialism that Bernie seems to be encouraging.

I don't know if you are trolling or just misinformed....and don't care either way....since in one scenario you are making up lies and in the other, you are being willfully ignorant, either way, you clearly have an agenda to try and slander someone without any facts to back you up. That's a Conservative/FOX news tactic that obvious to anyone with critical reading skills.

As I said, I have no desire to reopen this debate but I saw no one else correcting this misinformation and that's how crap like this take root and become a "fact that everyone knows".

Granted I haven't kept abridge of everything he's written or every web/podcast he's presented since his time on Young Turks but I doubt his ideologies have changed. If you have proof I'd love to see it. You can even private message it since everyone else seems over it.
I consider myself a Democratic Socialist, but Hasan said, “the Honorable Revolutionary Forces of North Vietnam” in a video on TYT. It’s possible he was just joking, but I didn’t find it to be funny if he was joking. Saying something like that is too extreme and irresponsible, imo. I wasn’t a fan of John McCain and I REALLY don’t like Meghan McCain (I literally can’t stand her), but he said it in the following video at about the 3:15 mark:

He might have said it as a joke, but even if that’s the case, it wasn’t funny and it was highly irresponsible. I respect the other people at TYT, especially Ana and Brooke. Hasan should have been suspended after saying that, or at least had to issue an apology. Joke or not, he literally praised a Communist military regime.

He’s too leftist for me if he’s gonna make extreme takes like that. I’m American and I’m considering voting for Elizabeth Warren in the Democratic primaries. Her, Bernie and AOC are as far left as I go. The Democratic Party shouldn’t welcome anyone further left, such as Communists, AntiFa and general anarchists. Extremism on either side of the political spectrum is bad and dangerous. The Republican Party is dead and has become the Trump Party. It is a racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic party that is irredeemable at this point. The Democratic Party is the only reasonable party left. It needs to make sure it comes off as sensible and sane to attract as many people as possible. Democrats need to make it abundantly clear that praising communist regimes or military forces like Hasan did in that segment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. If you want to praise Communism, you can go join America’s Communist Party. I’m pretty sure one still exists.

Also, I wasn’t a fan of John McCain’s politics or policies, but Hasan made fun of him for being captured and tortured, and giving away locations and other info to the North Vietnamese. You know who else made of John McCain for being captured? Trump. I’d like to see Hasan not give up info while being tortured. Doubt he could do it. I’m sure he would have told them just as much as McCain. Hasan really should have stuck to criticizing John McCain’s policies and poor record. Personal attacks are unbecoming of a Democratic political commentator. By making fun of McCain for being captured and giving up info, he unintentionally aligned himself with Trump. Leave the personal attacks to Trump.
Also, you can tell how uncomfortable Brooke was when he was going on that rant. It went too far for her.

She seems way more sensible than he does. That’s why I value her opinion and like her.
Honestly, my politics are probably way more sensible, balanced and well-informed than most of the people who follow this thread, so it probably wasn’t even worth my time engaging with y’all. I’ll just continue to watch TYT and hope they show Hasan the door. I doubt it, though, considering he got the job through nepotism since he’s Cenk’s nephew.

Also, Elizabeth Warren > Bernie. She has actually unveiled some well-thought-out policies.

Peace out to this thread, and I hope y’all become more balanced and sensible in your political views. Remember, extremism on either end of the political spectrum is bad and dangerous. Being on the left is a good thing. Just make sure you’re not so leftist that your views are extremist.
People who argue about politics on the internet are the type of people who are NEVER going to change their opinion, so stop wasting your time. They're irrelevant. The people who matter, politically, and can be swayed, have better things to do with their life than spend it on social media and forums.
Thank you for your input. Thank you for your service. Thank you for your self-aggrandizing assessment of your views. We were all so lucky once. We had your commentary for a brief moment on not Hasan Piker in the Hasan Piker thread. If only we had learned sooner that you would have the key, the answers.

Anyways, who wants to suck a fart out of this fine fuck’s ass?
Oh for christ sake... I can't believe that I watched this video and it proves that you are doing exactly what I said. You using one comment taken without the sarcastic references to try and spin a story that isn't there. He makes it clear starting at 6:47 the reason he is trashing McCain is because of what hypocrites him, his daughter, and those people who trying and make McCain into some kind of hero really are, when history shows McCain to have been a deplorable person. Clearly, his boss, Cenk, and Brook both got that he wasn't being serious but satirical.

Trying to portray the dude as the next coming of Castro or Karl Marx for him taking the piss out of the McCain Hero Tour that was going on at that time also proves my point. You are taking a sound byte from thousands that he's made (one which he was purposefully being incendiary to make a point) and twisting it to build a narrative that you want to tell; when his history doesn't show him to be a supporter of communist regimes.

I get that you fell the need to be vigilant about the Red Scare, but chill out McCarthy, it's not here.
I literally said he might have been joking, but not all jokes are funny, and I don’t think what he said was particularly funny. What he said was irresponsible, even if he was purposefully being satirical and incendiary. There is WAY too much incendiary political commentary these days. That’s part of the problem. And if you don’t think it is, you’re being naive.

Also, I’m not sure how you can defend him for doing the same thing as Trump, which is making fun of McCain for being captured and giving up info to the North Vietnamese. As much as I didn’t like McCain’s politics and policies, I would never say something like that. Are you gonna tell me now that Hasan wasn’t making fun of McCain for being captured and giving up secrets? Because that is literally what he was doing in that video. As I said before, he unintentionally aligned himself on something with Trump in that moment. But whatever. Continue to deceive yourself about what he said and the type of person he is.
The people who matter, politically, and can be swayed, have better things to do with their life than spend it on social media and forums.
You’re literally on a forum right now, sweetie. Talk about being hypocritical and having a lack of self-awareness...
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I'm not defending him. I'm pointing out the mental gymnastics that you are prepared to do to vilify the dude for an ill-constructed attempt at satire. People were just posting pics of him in his underwear. He's not indoctrinating the youth to communism. Calm down. We have a long time until the next election there will be plenty to rage against.
I'm not defending him. I'm pointing out the mental gymnastics that you are prepared to do to vilify the dude for an ill-constructed attempt at satire. People were just posting pics of him in his underwear. He's not indoctrinating the youth to communism. Calm down. We have a long time until the next election there will be plenty to rage against.
What Hasan said at the 5:31 mark in that video is pretty indefensible as well. That’s something Trump and his supporters say. Criticizing somebody for giving up information while being tortured is beyond the pale.

You say I was committing character assassination when the truth is Hasan was just showing his true colors. Even Cenk, who is his uncle, had to push back on some of the things Hasan said.

As Michelle Obama said (and I still stand by it), “When they go low, we go high.” Hasan obviously doesn’t abide by that motto. American politics currently lacks any sense of decency (mostly because of Trump and his influence). We need more decency in our politics. That includes more decency from our political commentators.
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You lost me at antifa=blanket bad. Get a life, stop the unnecessary rants. If you aren't a Hasan fan stop coming to his thread.
Antifa are extremists. I only believe in peaceful protest. Antifa believe violence is ok to achieve their objective. The Alt-Right and Neo-Nazis are obviously violent extremists too. I oppose all extremists, regardless of which side of the political spectrum they fall on. Extremism in any form is bad and dangerous. The end goal does not justify violence. Peaceful protests only. We need more civility and decency in our current politics. There is no place for extremism or violence, no matter the ideology.

Remember, “When they go low, we go high.”

We must be better than them. The Democrats must not concede any moral high ground. We must not stoop to their level and join them in their lack of civility and decency.

Deep down, you know I’m right. Michelle Obama is right.
Antifa are extremists. I only believe in peaceful protest. Antifa believe violence is ok to achieve their objective. The Alt-Right and Neo-Nazis are obviously violent extremists too. I oppose all extremists, regardless of which side of the political spectrum they fall on. Extremism in any form is bad and dangerous. The end goal does not justify violence. Peaceful protests only. We need more civility and decency in our current politics. There is no place for extremism or violence, no matter the ideology.

Remember, “When they go low, we go high.”

We must be better than them. The Democrats must not concede any moral high ground. We must not stoop to their level and join them in their lack of civility and decency.

Deep down, you know I’m right. Michelle Obama is right.

all i’m engaging in, but you can’t call yourself a democratic socialist and say that the antifa is an extremist group. the only media producing that rhetoric is right-wing and conservative media. if you’re reading andy ngo, then that’s your own fault for believing his stupidity.

hasan is a better ally and advocate to the trans and queer community than the majority of the queer men we all lust over. most white queer men solely support and advocate for other white queer men, so its nice to have someone do the opposite. Again, most of us are here for the pictures and videos Hasan posts. you could show proof that hasan says he’s a communist and it won’t change anything for me.
all i’m engaging in, but you can’t call yourself a democratic socialist and say that the antifa is an extremist group. the only media producing that rhetoric is right-wing and conservative media. if you’re reading andy ngo, then that’s your own fault for believing his stupidity.

hasan is a better ally and advocate to the trans and queer community than the majority of the queer men we all lust over. most white queer men solely support and advocate for other white queer men, so its nice to have someone do the opposite. Again, most of us are here for the pictures and videos Hasan posts. you could show proof that hasan says he’s a communist and it won’t change anything for me.
Ya’ll hear somethin?? Back to Hasan and his pink nipples lol