I have no desire to kickstart this crap again but something needs to be clarified.
He's not a Communist. He's a Progressive whose ideologies fall more in line with the type of Democratic Socialism that Bernie seems to be encouraging.
I don't know if you are trolling or just misinformed....and don't care either way....since in one scenario you are making up lies and in the other, you are being willfully ignorant, either way, you clearly have an agenda to try and slander someone without any facts to back you up. That's a Conservative/FOX news tactic that obvious to anyone with critical reading skills.
As I said, I have no desire to reopen this debate but I saw no one else correcting this misinformation and that's how crap like this take root and become a "fact that everyone knows".
Granted I haven't kept abridge of everything he's written or every web/podcast he's presented since his time on Young Turks but I doubt his ideologies have changed. If you have proof I'd love to see it. You can even private message it since everyone else seems over it.
I consider myself a Democratic Socialist, but Hasan said, “the Honorable Revolutionary Forces of North Vietnam” in a video on TYT. It’s possible he was just joking, but I didn’t find it to be funny if he was joking. Saying something like that is too extreme and irresponsible, imo. I wasn’t a fan of John McCain and I REALLY don’t like Meghan McCain (I literally can’t stand her), but he said it in the following video at about the 3:15 mark:
He might have said it as a joke, but even if that’s the case, it wasn’t funny and it was highly irresponsible. I respect the other people at TYT, especially Ana and Brooke. Hasan should have been suspended after saying that, or at least had to issue an apology. Joke or not, he literally praised a Communist military regime.
He’s too leftist for me if he’s gonna make extreme takes like that. I’m American and I’m considering voting for Elizabeth Warren in the Democratic primaries. Her, Bernie and AOC are as far left as I go. The Democratic Party shouldn’t welcome anyone further left, such as Communists, AntiFa and general anarchists. Extremism on either side of the political spectrum is bad and dangerous. The Republican Party is dead and has become the Trump Party. It is a racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic party that is irredeemable at this point. The Democratic Party is the only reasonable party left. It needs to make sure it comes off as sensible and sane to attract as many people as possible. Democrats need to make it abundantly clear that praising communist regimes or military forces like Hasan did in that segment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. If you want to praise Communism, you can go join America’s Communist Party. I’m pretty sure one still exists.
Also, I wasn’t a fan of John McCain’s politics or policies, but Hasan made fun of him for being captured and tortured, and giving away locations and other info to the North Vietnamese. You know who else made of John McCain for being captured? Trump. I’d like to see Hasan not give up info while being tortured. Doubt he could do it. I’m sure he would have told them just as much as McCain. Hasan really should have stuck to criticizing John McCain’s policies and poor record. Personal attacks are unbecoming of a Democratic political commentator. By making fun of McCain for being captured and giving up info, he unintentionally aligned himself with Trump. Leave the personal attacks to Trump.