Have you tried a Penis Pump?

Have you tried a Penis Pump?

  • Yes and I use it regularly!

    Votes: 323 11.0%
  • Yes. I've tried it but not regularly.

    Votes: 823 28.1%
  • Never Tried it but want to!

    Votes: 1,046 35.7%
  • Never Tried it and don't want to.

    Votes: 715 24.4%
  • I'm Penisless

    Votes: 25 0.9%

  • Total voters
There's a nice stainless steel ring I have that's available in sizes up to 64 mm on Amazon. I can send you a link if you like.

Be very careful with stainless steel cock rings. Having worked in a hospital I can tell you that there's a tool that we'd use to remove them and it's not a pleasant experience. Please be extremely careful and make sure you follow all the safety instructions before use. There are numerous cases where you can get too hard and not able to get the ring off. Warning, this link has links to graphic images
I've tried a few penis pumps before. I tried the Bathmate, very gimmicky. I've tried teh ones with the actual pump, and I have tried the electric/digital ones I found on Amazon. The one I like the most is the battery operated electronic/digital ones. Once you figure it out, it works great. I like the one that is rechargeable. Just have to remember to recharge it.

The only thing I would be interested in having printed on it would be a ruler I guess.
I don't buy rings that are so tight that they cause problems. 60mm is a great size for me. Small enough that it doesn't fall off, but not so small that it causes problems if I get hard.
1. I have used two. The bathmate and the standard/generic LoveHoney brand pump. I felt I got more girth from the bathmate than the LoveHoney one.

2. More girth and slight increase in length (even if temporary :joy:) from bathmate.

3. Out of the two, bathmate

4. I wouldn’t use a pump in the near future as I lost interest in pumping.
1. Have you used a penis pump? If so what did you think of it?

2. What benefits have you experienced by using it?

3. What is the best penis pump you've used?
1. I've only used one once, someone let me try theirs. I went very carefully with it and under their supervision. It was more about feeling the suction than seeing any enlargement. It was definitely very horny to use, quite maddeningly arousing actually. I'd give it another go but haven't been convinced to buy one myself... Yet.

2. I think I had a stronger erection after using it but, as I say, it was only one use so I'd not want to be too absolute about that.

3. The one I used, by default I guess ;) I can't remember what it was my mate had or if he even mentioned the name.
Have not used one, and never will. They are primarily of use for men with erectile disfunction; there's no clinical evidence that they lead to meaningful permanent gains in penile size. There are a handful of not-trivial risks associated with pumping, as well.

See Penis pump - Mayo Clinic for a good primer.
Hi Everyone!

I'm researching Penis Pumps as part of one of the products we want to offer you.

I need your help! Any and all feedback is welcome.

1. Have you used a penis pump? If so what did you think of it?

2. What benefits have you experienced by using it?

3. What is the best penis pump you've used?

4. If you haven't used a penis pump would you consider using one?

Any other thoughts, suggestions or advice let us know :)
I used a penis pump for a short time because of ED due to a prostatectomy. I found it not satisfactory at all. My urologist who installed an inflatable implant told me that frequent use of one can damage the blood vessels in your penis,as can a cock ring if you have it on too long. I'm satisfied with my implant. And,no,I wouldn't recommend one to anyone based on my experience. It was hard to use ,with the cock ring too,and no spontaneity. Pills didn't work either , especially with my heart condition.
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Interesting survey. Let us know what you come up with...

1. I used one on-and-off several years ago...mostly just as a sex toy, not to try and get any larger. It really just added another fun dimension to sex. I stopped using it when it broke...and I couldn't find another good one like it.

2. While the "growth" was only temporary (maybe I did gain a little, but not enough to be all that noticeable), it was a fun toy. I felt fun to pump...and most partners got a kick out of playing with the resulting engorged cock---which, of course, was fun for me.;)

3. At the time, it was a Vacutek pump---it was sized right, and worked really well. After it broke, I couldn't find that brand anymore. I tried a couple of other less-expensive ones...but they were all crap. So, I just stopped looking.

4. I'd try one again if I could find a good one that was customizable as to cylinder size, but not overly expensive.

The comments from some of the above posters---and some of the pics I've seen posted here on the site after pumping---regarding "misshapen" and "spongy" are usually the result of using a cylinder that is too big. So, if you develop one (or partner with another company) it needs to be one with various cylinder diameters. Most of the cheap one-size-fits-all devices are really way too big for most guys. And, I don't think you need battery-operated ones...the manual ones do just fine.

Hope this helps...
Peenless opinion: the pumped penises I've seen look bloated and unappealing. I don't know if it's from over pumping but for that reason it's definitely not an idea I'd suggest for a partner.
Agreed. They look painful, too! No, thanks.
No, I never used a penis pump. I had friends who did though. Over time, their dicks got to look lumpy and felt spongy. As they got older, most had problems with getting and maintaining elections. They used a lot of cock rings. The only regular suction my dick has experienced is from having it sucked to orgasm regularly by a loving partner. I am still enjoying that and hard elections. As i get older my dick seems to be getting thicker. Must be from all the blow jobs. There is nothing better than a warm mouth on a cold morning.
Hi Everyone!

I'm researching Penis Pumps as part of one of the products we want to offer you.

I need your help! Any and all feedback is welcome.

1. Have you used a penis pump? If so what did you think of it?

2. What benefits have you experienced by using it?

3. What is the best penis pump you've used?

4. If you haven't used a penis pump would you consider using one?

Any other thoughts, suggestions or advice let us know :)
let me clarify my vote of yes. i actually have two, an automatic and a bathmate. i don't use mine for growth i simply use them for fun pleasures. my auto very similar to this Vacuum Penis Pump for Male ED Enhancement Erectile Enlargement Penis Enlarger BG | eBay is the best i've used as for suction. it has a cylinder 20 cm deep, which pulls me when fully charged out to about 18 1/2 cm. the suction i have to turn down as it's pretty intense. note it has no hose on it so less chance of leaks. the bath mate is fun and has a different feel but i prefer the auto.
1. Have you used a penis pump? If so what did you think of it?
Yes, I bought one to see what all the fuss was about. I fill the tube, which is a little over 8" long x 2.5" wide. It's pretty crazy to have 7.8" girth while pumped. My cock looks monsterous! The feeling verges on painful after a while and I have heard accounts of doing harm. So, I don't pump for one long period. Hasn't seemed to harm me yet. It's funny that it came with a silicone rubber collar to ensure a seal around the base. It's way too small and hurts! Pretty sure it's not meant for guys like me. My cock is over 2" wide naturally. I discarded the rubber collar. Maybe I need a bigger tube?
2. What benefits have you experienced by using it?
None. There are no lasting effects whatsoever. Maybe some slightly increased thickness and sensitivity, but only for a few seconds after removing it.
For those who suggest I should pump daily for lengthy periods in order to see my penis enlarge, I don't have the time and I don't see how a penis can grow when my body has stopped that process long ago. My cock is huge anyhow. If my soft length increased, I probably wouldn't complain but it's not a great concern for me.
3. What is the best penis pump you've used?
I've only tried the one. Apart from variation in size, I imagine they all do pretty much the same thing. Having a gauge seems beneficial and I recommend it.
The first one I bought had a trigger type of pump and it was broken out of the box. I returned it for one with a bulb type of pump. It has less to go wrong and works fine.
4. If you haven't used a penis pump would you consider using one?
I have used a pump occasionally since I was in my mid teens - I had the ambition to maximise by cock size from the get go!

It was a huge turn on for me to see and feel it growing, plus the transgressive aspect of what I was doing. It soon became a regular part of my jerk-off routine.

Within a few years I had achieved sizeable gains of about an inch in length and more dramatically 1.5 to 2 inches in girth. I think it is perhaps easier to increase girth than length, due to the anatomy of the penis.

After those first few years of regular pumping my gains became permanent. But of course you need to "use it or lose it" with plenty of masturbation/edging to keep it exercised.

I have alway used just a cheap, basic model consisting of an 8-inch tube with a rubber cuff and a hand-operated 'bulb'. I have owned several and they have always done the business for me.

Now in fact I can use the tube without needing the cuff to make an airtight seal, which shows how much my girth has increased.

My best pumps have had a 'quick release' valve on the bulb apparatus. I think this is REALLY important for ease of use and for safety. If you over-pump you need to be able to release the pressure instantly before any damage is done to your precious organ!

Now I only pump very occasionally, usually just to vary my jerk-off routine. I neither need nor want further gains. I do it just for fun.

A branded/personalised pump? It wouldn't make it work any better but I can see why you might want to go in that direction.