A couple of the things I wish I could find again are ...
-- A 40-second video involving Hayes, wearing a pair of those black shorts with a big "X" on them and a red shirt, filling a Grier Motorsports order. (He includes a handwritten thank-you note ... and a free pair of socks!) Nice legs and smile and whatnot. The person who posted it commented that it was a missed business opportunity -- he should have been selling used socks.
-- A GIF in which Hayes, clad in blue shorts, olive-green shirt and work boots, is seen from the rear (/side). He is bending over, using, what, maybe a 4-foot wrench to tighten a commensurately large nut or whatever. A comment accompanying this nut-tightening GIF was approximately "I don't usually find boys doing manual labor hot or erotic, but he is just something else."