Help me figure out if my best friend is gay or not

He's a little more fluid than he gives himself credit. But if you passed on the chance when he was actually offering to fool around because you didn't jeopardize the relationship, why do it now when he's with a girl that he's talking about marrying? I think your relationship could have survived some drunken fondling and a little grab-ass when you guys were in the military but not so much right now. You cannot force someone out of the closet. And please heed my advice, do not fall in love with a straight guy (or even one who identifies as 100% str8), it will lead to inevitable heartache and few friendships can survive that.
Granted back when he originally offered those things he was engaged to a different girl. His relationship are a whole other can of worms I don’t care to get into rn lmao. But at this point I feel I just want to confirm wether or not if he’s actually willing to do these things.

Also I fear I’ve left out a big plot point that I have no clue how it slipped my mind…

He confessed to me a while back that when he was originally going through training for the military he made friends with an openly gay guy training alongside him. And one night he said he woke up to find the friend was sucking on his cock. He was shocked but didn’t stop him and let him finish. After that he had him suck him off a few more times throughout their time training and admitted it was some of the best head he has ever gotten.

again idk how I failed to mention this up until this point but he confirmed to me he actually had messed around with another guy before. Does that change any of y’all’s opinions on this?
I don't think his friend is interested, at all, and pushing it would be a disaster.

Also, 22yo lads get drunk. It's common. There's no need to rush off to do penance at rehab.
Agreed. He's in the military and 22, binge drinking is practically a prerequisite. But getting blackout drunk and doing things that you regret (like touching someone without consent) and you can't even remember doing it sounds problematic. And, if he's still doing this when he's back in the real world and has other responsibilities then he might want to keep an eye on it.
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Granted back when he originally offered those things he was engaged to a different girl. His relationship are a whole other can of worms I don’t care to get into rn lmao. But at this point I feel I just want to confirm wether or not if he’s actually willing to do these things.

Also I fear I’ve left out a big plot point that I have no clue how it slipped my mind…

He confessed to me a while back that when he was originally going through training for the military he made friends with an openly gay guy training alongside him. And one night he said he woke up to find the friend was sucking on his cock. He was shocked but didn’t stop him and let him finish. After that he had him suck him off a few more times throughout their time training and admitted it was some of the best head he has ever gotten.

again idk how I failed to mention this up until this point but he confirmed to me he actually had messed around with another guy before. Does that change any of y’all’s opinions on this?
I still think despite what he says, he's sexually fluid or heteroflexible but definitely not 100% straight. But that is something he has to find out for himself and come to terms with. After he leaves the military, he might not touch another guy the rest of his life or he could find himself getting plowed by complete strangers in a back alley everytime his wife is out of town or when he's on a business trip. I used to hook up with a married pastor every time he came to town for business which at least once a month. He gave really good head and he would ride me and get wetter than anyone else I've ever been with, including women. He probably started off fooling around in the army or sneaking off to give bjs in the basement bathroom in the college library.
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He's your best friend. Are you his?

If besties I would just ask instead of trying to figure it out. :cool:

Evidence seems to indicate he's bi.

For myself best friends are off limits sexually--our long lasting friendships being more important than hooking up. :)
I’m M(23) still trying to figure out my sexuality. and my best friend is m(22) and claims to be 100% straight

This will probably be a pretty long backstory so take a seat lol.

We’re both in the military and became really good friends over deployment. We are very open and comfortable with each other and Do and talk about pretty much anything. He’s a very outspoken guy and doesn’t shy away from giving out tmi at times. I remember one of the first conversations we had together was him talking about how big of a dick he has and proceeded to show me a picture. We were always bored and frankly, horny on deployment cuz of obvious lack of women lol. And we would often talk about sex or jacking off. Often times he would bet me to get hard and walk around with a boner in public or make me jack off and cum in my hand on video and send it to him. Now I really don’t know if it was just him having fun or being extra horny but he even made me touch his dick and jack him off for a couple minutes when I lost a bet. We have taken shrooms together a couple times and both times he’s asked if I’d jerk him off because he was really horny but I said no as I was kind of uncomfortable and mostly didn’t want it to change or ruin our friendship. But over time I’ve come to realize I might have feelings a bit more than friendship for him. He recently broke up with his fiancé and is currently dating a new girl he talks about wanting to marry. There’s a lot more examples of things that make me question his sexuality but I wanted to see if anyone had any input on if you think he’s just a straight dude who likes to show off or maybe something more. Any feedback is appreciated
honestly, just go for it next time ask you.. he's definitely interested
I’m M(23) still trying to figure out my sexuality. and my best friend is m(22) and claims to be 100% straight
Identity politics is real. There are different levels and kinds of emotional attachment and sexual intersection. Don't worry about labels; but it's still paramount to be honest to yourself, to him, and from him. Many, many men who identify as straight have sex with other men without feeling it compromises their sexual category/identity. However it's often a hangup over the label and a heterosexist culture that tells us that procreative relationships are superior. Screwed up as those are, they're the reality we play in. Men who want the mom-dad-child cultural ideal may or may not be suppressing acknowledgement of their own variation from the norm. Pursuing a fertile wife in turn permits the guy to say he's straight because in his mind that's the most important relationship he can have, even though emotionally and physically he may be more invested elsewhere. You'll probably get more out of the relationship just keeping on keeping on, becoming more self aware, being yourself, yet being honest when it feels right. Also, I'm 54, so I always needed to respect my peers' social positions even while being a queer activist. Gen Z is SO different and it's awesome. I thought it would take longer than 30 years for new generations to progress this much regarding realistic attitudes toward sexual and romantic orientations. Gen Z has restored my belief that humanity has a chance to save itself.
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I’m just confused because how would you explain all the homoerotic things he’s said and done before? The examples I’ve mentioned don’t even begin to cover how much or how often hell do it
Because until he decided you were gay, even though you didn't identify as such yourself, you were just a safe friend to mess around with. Bromance. It's super common, especially at an age where you can still get it up and stay hard for nothing more than seeing a fly on the wall.

I'll leave my previous post despite having not read as far as your later posts. It might matter to someone.
I’m going to try and just list all the times he’s said or done something I’d consider out of the norm for a straight man to try and give a little more sense to my confusion to the situation
A lot of these line items are pretty common behavior not indicative of romantic orientation or sexual preference (not exactly the same as sexual orientation—semantics), including liking anal stimulation. A few of them indicate that he's an exhibitionist. Some indicate that he likes watching sexual activity no matter whose. Mind you a lot of lesbians who like porn actually prefer to watch male on male porn precisely because the action is more visible. They don't envision themselves in the role of one of the participants. Then there's the four-way. The key word is group. He may have needed that connection to an individual that you provided more than your dick in order to meet the challenge of three other people in the room, exhibitionist or not.

All that said, he does seem a bit fixated on you in all these situations. That might be because we're only reading your perspective, though. Regardless of his romantic interest in you or lack thereof, he clearly enjoys your friendship; and I gather that you're first and foremost when it comes to his intimate friendship. Once he's out of the military, the context that brought you together in a predominantly bro-world will change. It's a bummer that you'll be so far apart. Yet even so, it'll be interesting to see in what fashion he expresses missing you. I wish you the best, whatever happens. At worst, your heart will be broken and you'll move on with valuable experience self-incite.
Between these two options, which is more important to you?

1- Maintaining the bestfriend relationship
2- Trying to label his sexuality without asking him personally

Here's what I think you should do. Focus on yourself and find out who you are. If you are now discovering your sexuality at the age of 23, you have soo much more to learn about yourself. I don't think you stated if you came to terms with your sexuality and have come out to anyone. That's where the real journey begins. Just don't be surprised to lose any friends or fam. Just know, you are perfect the way you are and if people can't accept that, then you really don't need them in your life.

I do understand your situation though. You're just curious, perhaps a little lustful but it no way do I think you want him romatically. I could be wrong. You're most likely just turned on by your friend and that's totally fine. We've all been there. We still experience this no matter how old we become. This would turn most guys on if a "straight" buddy were to do the things he asked you haha. Pretty sure 95% of us would fool around with him in your situation.

Why try and find a label for your friend when he could just be that comfortable with you because of your friendship together. As you can see, being soo focused on the matter sort of threw a wrench into the whole machine. If you are adament on getting the answer, you will most likely ruin your friendship forever. Even if he tells you "straight" would you believe him or still question him? Would you try and seek answers because it wasn't what you wanted to hear? This is a dangerous road.

To me, he's the type of guy that falls in love with women, wants a future with a wife and until that happens, he doesn't care what he does as long as he has his fun. He's young, comfortable in his own skin and just couldn't care less if he got pleasured by a guy just because it just feels good and plus he's lonely/horny. He's made it clear that he's explored his body and knows what he likes. Associating a guy playing with his hole doesn't make him gay in any way. He's vocal with women that that's what he likes and kudos to him for being able to communicate that to a partner. Just because he's been requesting a lot of gay activities lol, shouldn't label him as gay. Let people be curious and have their fun while not being judged. I believe that pure physical encounters can exist without it leading to emotional/romantical feelings.

This is what I would do in your situation. Invite him over. Give him a sincere apology over the camping trip and explain that isn't how I truly felt. I would tell him that I never fantasized about him in that way and to recall what I did that night, disgusted me. I would ensure him that I wasn't in love with him but I can't help being turned on by him when he just flaunts a nice body and package in front of me so really, it's his fault lol. Tell him that I've come to terms with my sexuality as I learned a lot about myself recently. I would say that our friendship means the world to me and would never want to jeopardize it. Now knowing that our friendship means the most to me, I still want us to be best buds but the new me likes dick so you have to accept that side of me for us to work. If he can't accept the truth then it's better in the long run. All you can really do is just be yourself and be honest with him.

Don't bring up anything he has done as far as the pics, nakedness, ect. Leave the ball in his court and if wants to bring it up then you guys can talk about it. Let him come to you first or if he requests another hj/bj from you, bring it up but could ruin the moment so remember to ask AFTER swallowing his babies lol. In my opinion, you shouldn't fool around. You're too new to it all. If you are messing around with him and catch feelings, that's when everything will just blow up in your face and you lose it all. You could be a jealous person if he suddenly stops messing around if he finds a woman. You could think you did something wrong if he stops being sexual. There's just a lot that could go wrong and believe me, it's not mentally healthy and could wreck you for awhile. Only experienced guys that can draw the line with their feelings should ever risk their relationship with their best friend.

Anyways, I always type soo much so enjoy the read haha.
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Between these two options, which is more important to you?

1- Maintaining the bestfriend relationship
2- Trying to label his sexuality without asking him personally

Here's what I think you should do. Focus on yourself and find out who you are. If you are now discovering your sexuality at the age of 23, you have soo much more to learn about yourself. I don't think you stated if you came to terms with your sexuality and have come out to anyone. That's where the real journey begins. Just don't be surprised to lose any friends or fam. Just know, you are perfect the way you are and if people can't accept that, then you really don't need them in your life.

I do understand your situation though. You're just curious, perhaps a little lustful but it no way do I think you want him romatically. I could be wrong. You're most likely just turned on by your friend and that's totally fine. We've all been there. We still experience this no matter how old we become. This would turn most guys on if a "straight" buddy were to do the things he asked you haha. Pretty sure 95% of us would fool around with him in your situation.

Why try and find a label for your friend when he could just be that comfortable with you because of your friendship together. As you can see, being soo focused on the matter sort of threw a wrench into the whole machine. If you are adament on getting the answer, you will most likely ruin your friendship forever. Even if he tells you "straight" would you believe him or still question him? Would you try and seek answers because it wasn't what you wanted to hear? This is a dangerous road.

To me, he's the type of guy that falls in love with women, wants a future with a wife and until that happens, he doesn't care what he does as long as he has his fun. He's young, comfortable in his own skin and just couldn't care less if he got pleasured by a guy just because it just feels good and plus he's lonely/horny. He's made it clear that he's explored his body and knows what he likes. Associating a guy playing with his hole doesn't make him gay in any way. He's vocal with women that that's what he likes and kudos to him for being able to communicate that to a partner. Just because he's been requesting a lot of gay activities lol, shouldn't label him as gay. Let people be curious and have their fun while not being judged. I believe that pure physical encounters can exist without it leading to emotional/romantical feelings.

This is what I would do in your situation. Invite him over. Give him a sincere apology over the camping trip and explain that isn't how I truly felt. I would tell him that I never fantasized about him in that way and to recall what I did that night, disgusted me. I would ensure him that I wasn't in love with him but I can't help being turned on by him when he just flaunts a nice body and package in front of me so really, it's his fault lol. Tell him that I've come to terms with my sexuality as I learned a lot about myself recently. I would say that our friendship means the world to me and would never want to jeopardize it. Now knowing that our friendship means the most to me, I still want us to be best buds but the new me likes dick so you have to accept that side of me for us to work. If he can't accept the truth then it's better in the long run. All you can really do is just be yourself and be honest with him.

Don't bring up anything he has done as far as the pics, nakedness, ect. Leave the ball in his court and if wants to bring it up then you guys can talk about it. Let him come to you first or if he requests another hj/bj from you, bring it up but could ruin the moment so remember to ask AFTER swallowing his babies lol. In my opinion, you shouldn't fool around. You're too new to it all. If you are messing around with him and catch feelings, that's when everything will just blow up in your face and you lose it all. You could be a jealous person if he suddenly stops messing around if he finds a woman. You could think you did something wrong if he stops being sexual. There's just a lot that could go wrong and believe me, it's not mentally healthy and could wreck you for awhile. Only experienced guys that can draw the line with their feelings should ever risk their relationship with their best friend.

Anyways, I always type soo much so enjoy the read haha.
Ok so sorry for going dark for a bit but I’ve just been really busy with work and haven’t had the time to focus on this much. Update basically we never did the little (deal) we made about the 24 hour thing as I just didn’t feel like it would amount to anything more than doing his laundry or something lol. In terms of our friendship I think it’s really improved these last couple of weeks and we’ve started hanging out again more and it feels like things are starting to feel normal again. I also feel like I’ve gotten a better handle on any feelings I have and can accept if he’s truly just some wild straight boy lmao. He’s been getting more serious with his current GF and stated that he’d want me as his best man at the wedding. So with that being said. Our friendship is paramount to me. I don’t want to anything to risk it at this point. If anything were to happen between us I will let it come naturally and most likely just go with the flow if he were to make some suggestions as he did in the past. I really appreciate all of y’all’s feedback and advice. If anything does happen in the future I’ll try and update y’all lol.
Ok so sorry for going dark for a bit but I’ve just been really busy with work and haven’t had the time to focus on this much. Update basically we never did the little (deal) we made about the 24 hour thing as I just didn’t feel like it would amount to anything more than doing his laundry or something lol. In terms of our friendship I think it’s really improved these last couple of weeks and we’ve started hanging out again more and it feels like things are starting to feel normal again. I also feel like I’ve gotten a better handle on any feelings I have and can accept if he’s truly just some wild straight boy lmao. He’s been getting more serious with his current GF and stated that he’d want me as his best man at the wedding. So with that being said. Our friendship is paramount to me. I don’t want to anything to risk it at this point. If anything were to happen between us I will let it come naturally and most likely just go with the flow if he were to make some suggestions as he did in the past. I really appreciate all of y’all’s feedback and advice. If anything does happen in the future I’ll try and update y’all lol.
I don’t even know you personally but I’m glad how things turned out. :)
I’m M(23) still trying to figure out my sexuality. and my best friend is m(22) and claims to be 100% straight

This will probably be a pretty long backstory so take a seat lol.

We’re both in the military and became really good friends over deployment. We are very open and comfortable with each other and Do and talk about pretty much anything. He’s a very outspoken guy and doesn’t shy away from giving out tmi at times. I remember one of the first conversations we had together was him talking about how big of a dick he has and proceeded to show me a picture. We were always bored and frankly, horny on deployment cuz of obvious lack of women lol. And we would often talk about sex or jacking off. Often times he would bet me to get hard and walk around with a boner in public or make me jack off and cum in my hand on video and send it to him. Now I really don’t know if it was just him having fun or being extra horny but he even made me touch his dick and jack him off for a couple minutes when I lost a bet. We have taken shrooms together a couple times and both times he’s asked if I’d jerk him off because he was really horny but I said no as I was kind of uncomfortable and mostly didn’t want it to change or ruin our friendship. But over time I’ve come to realize I might have feelings a bit more than friendship for him. He recently broke up with his fiancé and is currently dating a new girl he talks about wanting to marry. There’s a lot more examples of things that make me question his sexuality but I wanted to see if anyone had any input on if you think he’s just a straight dude who likes to show off or maybe something more. Any feedback is appreciated
Could be a combination of him being open and board. He could be down to do something if in the mood but probably prefer women.Their are some guys who could turn their friendly feelings sexual for a particular person ( possible male )but on a regular basis consider themselves straight.
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You guys sound like you are super close. You asked him to fuck you while you were at the beach. He already knows you are gay. But he is waiting for you to tell him rather than pushing you into telling him. I had so many friends that I was so scared to tell that I was gay. Not a single one of them ever had a bad reaction to it. It was all in my head. My super paranoid fear that everyone would reject me for this was totally unfounded. I have found in general in my life that the people who are really homophobic are those people who don't have any gay friends. Or those who don't know that some of their friends are gay. I don't usually tell strangers about my sexuality. Because it's none of their business. But once people get to know you as a person first and then they find out that you are gay, it usually works out that you become closer. And if by chance it doesn't work out like that and he does freak out then he really isn't the type of friend you want to have in the first place. That's not healthy.
Unless you have heard him using derogatory anti-gay hate speech at other gay guys or talking shit about gay people or something I really have a feeling he is going to react well to you telling him the truth. But don't tell him you are crushing on him or anything like that. I honestly think he is either truly straight and just loves the gay attention he gets from you or he might be bisexual but not anywhere close to being ready to date guys yet. Who knows... his journey may fork somewhere down the road and you get a shot. But I think the first step is letting him know that you are gay. Then if he wants to make the move on you he can. But he doesn't have to. Just telling him that you are gay will put the ball in his court.
By doing this will also allow you to take him up on his next offer if there is another one. Please please please if he ever makes another offer to you to suck or jerk him off do NOT TELL HIM NO. Just do it.
Sounds like he’s very hetero-flexable. Enjoy it while it’s available, but I’d be careful with your feelings, it doesn’t seem like he’s ready for any type of commitment.
Agree here be careful. If you say the wrong thing it could end a nice friendship.
I’m going to try and just list all the times he’s said or done something I’d consider out of the norm for a straight man to try and give a little more sense to my confusion to the situation

-he is very open about how he likes fingering his asshole in the shower or having a girl do it during sex and has shown me fingering it in person

-one of the first times we hung out he straight up showed me a picture of his dick and asked my opinion on it

-he will constantly just casually touch or scratch his junk around me and talk about how horny he is

-he seemed very intrigued when I told him I can get an erection really fast when I whip my hips and in turn, my dick back and forth and would encourage me to do it constantly as well as mention my “power” as he calls it lol. To others

-he likes to show me pics or vids of him when he fucks girls

- he has no shame in being naked around me

-we tend to wrestle and practice Jiu Jitsu a lot and we sometimes end up squeezing each others crotches to see who will relent first

-when I lost a bet he was very adamant that I did my punishment which was jacking him off

-another Bet punishment he had me do was send him videos of me smearing my cum on the bathroom wall

-we had a 4 way with me him and my other buddy and a chick we met and he had trouble getting hard until we were sitting next to eachother jacking off to some porn

-when I lost another bet (yes we make a lot of bets and yes I’ve lost a lot lmao) I had to buy a sex toy and he had me fuck it on his bed while he watched and played video games. And as I did he would playfully slap and squeeze my ass while I was fucking it.

-Last but not least, multiple times he has seriously asked if I would jerk him off as he was really horny to which I turned down (looking back I should have done it)

I know there’s more I just don’t want this to go on forever and I’ve probably forgot a lot too but hopefully this shows y’all that he has done a lot of things that makes me think he may not be as straightforward as he claims. No other straight friend I’ve ever had as acted this way before.
What I would add to what people have said is definitely don't get emotionally attached. Try to explain to him you value his friendship (if he is mature enough to have that conversation) and that that is more important than anything else. Understand that he can want to be with a women mostly and just mess around with men with no emotions involved - rome style - that doesn't make him gay per se

I don't know your friend, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was lying about you blacking and and doing those things, just to project his homosexual tendencies onto you - that is what "straight" men do ALL DAY EVERYDAY

A constant issue for me is dealing with "straight" men, but as soon as they see my toned body/get drunk their eyes glaze over and other things come out. To be honest I have not found a solution (I need help too lol) apart avoiding men who come across as "straight" but my gaydar is also flagging (I wish I could deal with it, but it feels too toxic)
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Between these two options, which is more important to you?

1- Maintaining the bestfriend relationship
2- Trying to label his sexuality without asking him personally

Here's what I think you should do. Focus on yourself and find out who you are. If you are now discovering your sexuality at the age of 23, you have soo much more to learn about yourself. I don't think you stated if you came to terms with your sexuality and have come out to anyone. That's where the real journey begins. Just don't be surprised to lose any friends or fam. Just know, you are perfect the way you are and if people can't accept that, then you really don't need them in your life.

I do understand your situation though. You're just curious, perhaps a little lustful but it no way do I think you want him romatically. I could be wrong. You're most likely just turned on by your friend and that's totally fine. We've all been there. We still experience this no matter how old we become. This would turn most guys on if a "straight" buddy were to do the things he asked you haha. Pretty sure 95% of us would fool around with him in your situation.

Why try and find a label for your friend when he could just be that comfortable with you because of your friendship together. As you can see, being soo focused on the matter sort of threw a wrench into the whole machine. If you are adament on getting the answer, you will most likely ruin your friendship forever. Even if he tells you "straight" would you believe him or still question him? Would you try and seek answers because it wasn't what you wanted to hear? This is a dangerous road.

To me, he's the type of guy that falls in love with women, wants a future with a wife and until that happens, he doesn't care what he does as long as he has his fun. He's young, comfortable in his own skin and just couldn't care less if he got pleasured by a guy just because it just feels good and plus he's lonely/horny. He's made it clear that he's explored his body and knows what he likes. Associating a guy playing with his hole doesn't make him gay in any way. He's vocal with women that that's what he likes and kudos to him for being able to communicate that to a partner. Just because he's been requesting a lot of gay activities lol, shouldn't label him as gay. Let people be curious and have their fun while not being judged. I believe that pure physical encounters can exist without it leading to emotional/romantical feelings.

This is what I would do in your situation. Invite him over. Give him a sincere apology over the camping trip and explain that isn't how I truly felt. I would tell him that I never fantasized about him in that way and to recall what I did that night, disgusted me. I would ensure him that I wasn't in love with him but I can't help being turned on by him when he just flaunts a nice body and package in front of me so really, it's his fault lol. Tell him that I've come to terms with my sexuality as I learned a lot about myself recently. I would say that our friendship means the world to me and would never want to jeopardize it. Now knowing that our friendship means the most to me, I still want us to be best buds but the new me likes dick so you have to accept that side of me for us to work. If he can't accept the truth then it's better in the long run. All you can really do is just be yourself and be honest with him.

Don't bring up anything he has done as far as the pics, nakedness, ect. Leave the ball in his court and if wants to bring it up then you guys can talk about it. Let him come to you first or if he requests another hj/bj from you, bring it up but could ruin the moment so remember to ask AFTER swallowing his babies lol. In my opinion, you shouldn't fool around. You're too new to it all. If you are messing around with him and catch feelings, that's when everything will just blow up in your face and you lose it all. You could be a jealous person if he suddenly stops messing around if he finds a woman. You could think you did something wrong if he stops being sexual. There's just a lot that could go wrong and believe me, it's not mentally healthy and could wreck you for awhile. Only experienced guys that can draw the line with their feelings should ever risk their relationship with their best friend.

Anyways, I always type soo much so enjoy the read haha.
This is the smartest answer in the three pages of replies.

You summed it up in the first post. Bored, horny, lack of women. You are a trusted outlet and he knows you're interested. He's not likely thinking of consequences (as is typical of guys your ages) including implications for the future of your friendship.
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Relax bro, just have some fun. Go with the flow, next time he wants you to jerk him off or and muck around or whatever, just do it, you only live once and you'll probably end up regretting that you didn't just roll with it and enjoy yourself. Let me save you the suspense, he ain't looking for you to be his boyfriend LOL.
Wait, so the same buddy that u sent jerk off videos too...needed you to jerk him off and you rejected him because you were afraid it would change your relationship?... that makes sense to you? some friend u r, smh.

This is the problem. Stop focusing on and concerning yourself with forcing an LGBT label on this and just be. What does that matter if he IDENTIFIES as gay or not? You're two adults, what you two do is your business. He's a horny guy who feels close to you and you feel close enough to him to share in the carnal desires of mankind. Sometimes what's understood doesn't need to be explained.

You're asking the wrong questions and focusing on the wrong things. I've creampied many guys who to this day claim to be 100% str8. What we had were close relationships built on trust n discretion and an understanding. Life really is not that complicated.

Your Sexuality - you like who u who like. leave it at that and keep it moving
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