hey guys,
Would really love your help on this subject.
About a week ago I tried to do a PE session after a long time.
Using a suction I got a small blister on the head of my penis.
I let it heal for a few days and didn't pop it or try to remove the skin to let it heal.
The blister started to go away but it seems the skin underneath it is kind of sore and with a different texture (more delicate) and color (more pinkish-reddish tone) like a burn.
Did it ever happen to any of you? Did the skin on the head come back to normal? How long did it take? Did it leave a scar?
I feel kind of bad and scared thinking it could leave a scar on the head area
Would really love your help on this subject.
About a week ago I tried to do a PE session after a long time.
Using a suction I got a small blister on the head of my penis.
I let it heal for a few days and didn't pop it or try to remove the skin to let it heal.
The blister started to go away but it seems the skin underneath it is kind of sore and with a different texture (more delicate) and color (more pinkish-reddish tone) like a burn.
Did it ever happen to any of you? Did the skin on the head come back to normal? How long did it take? Did it leave a scar?
I feel kind of bad and scared thinking it could leave a scar on the head area