Helping Jacob on the Farm

The whole year had blown by. I was looking forward to a fun last summer before heading off to college at the end of August. Between AP classes, exams, and college applications, I didn’t have much down time to get outside and enjoy myself. That’s why I jumped at the chance to get away for a weekend at my uncle’s farm. I didn’t care if it involved work. I was actually looking forward to work outside and pal around with Jacob.

Jacob and I were always close growing up, only a few months apart. Like me, he is an only child, which I think helped us develop a brotherly bond, even if we went to different schools, and didn’t see each other every week. Surprisingly, in all of those years, neither of us had seen each other in less than swim trunks when he’d come over for the day to hangout in our pool. I remember he’d hang out outside all day in the same shorts and be dry by the time he and his mom would head back home. Being the only son on a working farm meant those free days were fewer and far between as we got older and he was relied on to help his dad at home. I was hoping that this weekend could afford us an opportunity to hang out in less than that.

Since this weekend was his mom’s 50th birthday, our moms wanted to get away to catch up without the families and celebrate. Getting away wasn’t something they’d done in the past, but Jacob and I were glad for them to have some time as sisters, and for us just be dudes around the farm.

When we got there early, around 7, Jacob was already up and ready for the day ahead. We both had on similar worn boots, old jeans, and ratty t-shirts, ready to get to work, and hopefully chill out after the day was over. After a biscuit and coffee, we said bye to our moms, and took the truck and trailer out to get started.

As we got to the field, I could see perhaps 100 small square bales, all in line and ready to load. That morning we took turns driving and loading. If you’ve ever had to load square bales, it doesn’t take long for the picking up, loading, and placing the bails to get to your upper body. By midday I was ready for a break. By afternoon, I was dying. I certainly wasn’t use to this kind of work, but did my best to keep up. It was definitely different than my weight routine at home.

After unloading and knocking out a few more chores in the afternoon, Jacob said that it’s time to chill. We got back to the house, threw off our sweat covered shirts, both a bit swole from the work, and headed to the back porch. When we got there Jacob reminded me that we needed to ditch our dirty boots and jeans. If there was one thing he didn’t want, it was for his mom to come home to a kitchen that looked like the hay loft.

The thought of getting down to my underwear with him left me a bit nervous, and half hard. I figured it was no big deal for him. I remember hearing about when he had broken his leg last year that he couldn’t be bothered trying to get into shorts or underwear in a full leg cast, so he hung around the house switching between just a t-shirt, or an open robe. I don’t know why mom told me that, but the thought was instantly burned into my brain. Because of this, I knew that he didn’t care if his parents saw him in whatever state of dress or undress, and I hoped he’d be the same way with me. I had already done my best to mentally prepare to do the same, IF he set the example.

Watching him strip off his boots and jeans, shaking them out, and leaving them at the back door was almost too much. Damn. I had to both try to flip my growing erection and not stare at his body. Jacob was 6’0” even, with light brown hair, and the muscles I was working to gain. Right there in the center of his chest was a patch of darker hair that thinned out and lead straight down to his loose boxers. I never could imagine trying to bunch those into jeans in the heat. Instead, I’d worn a tighter pair on boxer briefs. I kicked myself for wearing them as there was no room to hide my half hard cock. On my best day I was 6.5”, so nothing humongous, but these boxer briefs hugged everything a little too well. But again, I tried to remember how blasé he was with his parents seeing him naked and ignore what I couldn’t help. Besides, Jacob was always a confident and laid back kind of guy.

Sweaty, tired, mildly sunburned, and walking around in our skivvies, we went in to get a Coke out of the fridge and see what his mom had left in the fridge for supper. As we came through the back door, Jacob called out to his dad, but no response. “He must still be out on the tractor. Let’s head upstairs and get cleaned up.” My heart thumped as I followed him up the stairs. I couldn’t see much for his loose boxers, but I definitely got good view of his broad shoulders and tight back. Good thing he couldn’t see the fabric stretch in the front of my jockies.

Upstairs was like his own apartment. His bedroom was the whole upstairs of the small farmhouse, with a rudimentary bathroom tucked in one corner. It was way more private than the small bedroom and shared bath in my parents’ small rancher. I’d have to wait until the house was quiet or my parents were gone to really enjoy edging one out. Up here, Jacob could do that anytime he wanted with no one to pop in while knocking. The thought of this did nothing to soften my now more than half hard cock.

The only downside to his upstairs room was that the house didn’t have central AC. Just two windows on either end of the upstairs with box fans. To say we walked into an oven wasn’t an understatement as the sun had been hot all day beating down on the tin roof. “Let me turn these on, and it’ll cool down in here,” Jacob said as he switched on the fans to create a draft sucking in and blowing out a cool breeze. He was right, it didn’t take long to make the room bearable, but still hotter than I wanted it to be while wearing sweat drenched jockies.

Walking back towards me, Jacob nonchalantly said: “Here, kick yours off and toss them in the basket.” With that he slipped down his baggy, damp boxers, balled them up, and tossed them in the hamper right by me. I thought I could catch the whiff of his musk as they flew by my face, causing my dick to twitch. In front of me, Jacob stood in all his glory: full brown bush with a soft but not quite semi cock hanging down and out about 4” over a set of very loose, fairly large balls.

“Don’t leave me hanging, I can see your drawers are sopping with ball sweat. Hahaha.” In that moment I wanted to both cum and fly out the window with embarrassment. I am sure he sensed my uneasiness as he strode over to me, balls dangling side to side with each stride.

“Don’t worry, man, we’re like brothers. There’s nothing to hide here!”

“When did you get so comfortable with nudity,” I asked.

“Well I learned pretty young that the most comfortable way to be up here in the summer is bare-assed. I never cared about my dad seeing me since we’d pee behind the barn or jump in the pond to cool off after working in the fields. With mom, it was awkward at first, but after she had to help me to the bathroom and bathe after my surgery I finally stopped caring. It’s freeing!”

“Well, um, what do you do if, ya know, you’re not soft?”

“Like you are now?”

I wanted to die, but he just chuckled and flashed me a huge grin.

“I do what you look like you need to now. Now come on, toss your shorts in and we can shower!”

Fuck it. Here he is stark naked and grinning in front of me. After years of wanting to see each other naked, here’s Jacob standing in front of me, completely naked, telling me to join him and not caring if I’m boned up, even making a veiled joke about needing to jerk off. In fact, his dick was already beginning to fill out and rise up, sticking out a little lower than half way, and quickly filling out. So I took a deep breath, put my thumbs in the waist band, and slid (well, peeled) off my wet boxer briefs. Instantly the cool air hit my damp balls and sent a jolt up my cock, now rock hard and beginning to leak precum. As I looked up from staring at my cock, half in shock, half lost in lust, I noticed that Jacob had been staring at it too. Looking up, all he could say was “nice bone, bro!”

He clearly was boning up too. I wanted to get our rods next to each other to compare, but didn’t even half to ask has he stepped closer, rubbing the side of my cock with his. I thought my knees would buckle from the pleasure. Never has anyone touched my cock, and here’s my best friend grazing the side of my dick with his stiff, straight rod. What struck me was how hot it actually felt.

“Always wondered what you had going on, man.” I was taken aback by what he had just said. “Is this cool?”

“Uh, yeah, Jacob. Kinda always wondered what you had too, just never had an opportunity to bring it up.”

“Well they’re up now,” he said with a cheeky grin, as he tentatively reached his hand out to feel mine. I kept my gaze down on our ridged meat and nodded that I was cool with him exploring.

“I wanna get up close and inspect it if you’re okay with that. I’ve never done anything like this before, but kinda always wanted to with you.”

Now, completely comfortable and wildly horny, I spat back “check it out all you want, as long as I can with you.”

“Hell yeah, man. Dad probably won’t be back for a couple of hours, so let’s take some time and really enjoy this!”

My balls, already feeling full, ached knowing this wouldn’t be a quick release, but the thought made my cock twitch even harder as I pushed out a healthy amount of precum.

As I sat back on a stool, legs spread, and cock out, Jacob got down between my legs and began to rub the precum into the cleft that’s my piss slit.

“Smells like balls. Haha.”

“Well, what do you expect after all we did today?”

“I don’t know, roses?” he shot back looking like a total goof.

I think most guys secretly like the scent of their own balls, and I’m no different. And between the dried sweat we were both were covered in, and the heat from our surging hormones, I couldn’t tell what was my scent and what was his. We both reeked and thinking of the scent emanating from our balls and bushes kept my cock dripping like a facet.

“Dude, you’ve got a vein just like mine. Wonder if it’s genetic?” With that he traced the wide vein that winds from the base of my cock down the right side before disappearing where my head begins. As he gently traced the length of my cock, I had no control over its throbbing and leaking. Looking down at him, I could tell he was totally into it

“Dude, that’s wild. Let’s switch so I can get a good look at your equipment.” And with that we swapped places on the stool and he spread his legs wide, pushing his hips up in a joking way, gracing my cheek with his wet head.

“Dude, are you trying to poke my eye out?”

“No, just your teeth.”

I don’t know what got into me, but I responded by clicking my teeth as my mouth was still right beside his head. Doing so made his cock throb involuntarily, and he let out a gasp.

This time he stammered out an apology, but I brushed him off. “So a gasp is too much, but your cock in my face isn’t?”

“Good point, haha. I mean, you have a “good point” too. Haha.”

“Jacob, sometimes you’re a real dork,” and with that I flicked my tongue across his frenulum. It was almost too much for him to take.

“See, made you gasp!” I don’t know where that came from, but it really broke the ice with letting go of caring about pretenses, and take things up a notch.

Without giving him much of a break, and without asking first, I looked up at him as I grasped the base of his cock, and slipped my lips over his slick, purple head. He just looked down and dropped his head in a moan as I slipped my lips all the way down to the base, wiggling my tongue across the underside of his rod like I knew what I was doing.

“Fuckkkkk! Don’t stop! Nurse that cock!”

I had never sucked a dick in my life, let alone held one, but it didn’t take long for me to get use to gliding up and down his ridged, cut cock. I gagged once or twice. He looked about as thick as me, and maybe a bit longer (I guess between 6.5” and 7”).

It tasked like sweat and the musk that filled my nose. The thought of having his precum and scent all over my face had me creating a puddle as I was squatted on the hardwood floor. I was totally lost in his manhood.

Pushing me back to keep himself from cumming, Jacob suggested me get on the bed so he could try and suck me off too. Neither of us had had any experience with a guy or girl at that point. That didn’t stop us from falling into a whole new world that beat the pants off of jerking it alone.

I have no clue how long we spent slurping on cock, pulling back to cool off, and then going back at it. We found comfortable positions and a good rhythm, learning when to pull off in order to drag this out for as long as possible.

Finally at some point Jacob said his balls couldn’t take much more, and we agreed to go all out and finish it. Went asked if I wanted to swallow, I said “we’ve done all of this, so why not?” And with that we went back to sucking cock, trying to go as deep, wet, and fast as possible. I was the first to cum, and gripped his ass and ran his cock as far down my throat as possible as I filled his throat with rope after rope of hot gizz. This was too much for Jacob to take, and a good amount of semen rolled out and onto the sheets as he gasped and moaned, his legs bucking as he throatfucked me to completion.

Completely spent, covered in sweat, saliva, and cum, we laid their for a bit catching our breath before dying laughing.

“What the fuck, man? What did we do?”

“Um, Jacob, I think we just completely drained our balls, hahaha!”

“I know. Haha you should come ‘help out’ more often!”

“Gladly, but let’s get washed off and eat, I’m starving.”

And with that, we staggered together to the shower, eager to rinse off and let our dicks rest before getting a chance to have a lot more fun over the course of the weekend.
Hot hot story !