Henry Cavill

Which is such utter bullshit. The Witcher has a disproportionate, almost excessive amount of female nudity. Numerous scenes linger on Anya Chalotra's body, which borderline problematic considering how young she is. Meanwhile Geralt has sex with his clothes on. While he certainly isn't obligated, you'd think he'd show some skin for simple solidarity with his costar.

This is exactly how more male actors should think. But who knows. Could really be the producers who wanted it this way.
But it often feels like male actors are just happy knowing there is no real demand for them to get naked.
This is exactly how more male actors should think. But who knows. Could really be the producers who wanted it this way.
But it often feels like male actors are just happy knowing there is no real demand for them to get naked.

I mean, I'd say the demand to see male actors skin is most certainly there. The issue lies with the producers, show runners and the long running misogyny in popular media. Most things are still filtered through the male gaze and targeted at the (str8, cis, white) 18-35 demographic. Even in 2020, male nudity is considered some sort of a taboo for some reason.
