Henry Cavill

I would not be shocked if Henry had a very potent case of body dysmorphia because of all of the teasing he had growing up and the pressure to stay in shape for character roles
If any celeb has body dysmorphia I wouldn't recommend visiting LPSG after a dick leak. Time after time I've seen threads waiting for that moment and speculation to reach fever pitch, only for commentors to belittle them. I've said it before and I'll say it again; for all we are aware of unrealistic comparisons, we still perpetuate them too. We build celebs up with extreme expectations then pull them down. For some reason we want guys to have the proportions of a Billy doll.

Ironically the criticisms that may be responsible for his dysmorphia very likely came from other males in his boarding school in his formative years. Not females. It came from males with their own broken self-image

If a dick pick does leak I'll be watching the reactions in this thread with interest.