Henry Cavill

Free hating to pretend and be cool dudes is way out of fashion. None cares ya'll hating here. Go spread hatred somewhere else. Thanks.
Not hating! I can think he's a mediocre actor and still be a fan and think he's gorgeous, we're all here for the same reasons..
hot take he's a bad actor
Hotter take: He's one of the worst, more limited actors working today. Maybe not quite "male Gal Gadot" level but close enough. I think directors don't cast him in dramas because they know he flat out can't act.
Probably not that unpopular of an opinion tbh :skull:
Not if you browse reddit. They will hunt you down and strangle you if you say anything negative about henry. He's handsome but like Liz lemon on 30 rock says" Hit your mark, stay in your light, and do the same thing every take for continuity" easy peasy.
Hotter take: He's one of the worst, more limited actors working today. Maybe not quite "male Gal Gadot" level but close enough. I think directors don't cast him in dramas because they know he flat out can't act.
I wouldn't say he's "bad". He's just very limited. He might be able to pull of Soap Opera (maybe, and only limited capacity), but outside of Action Hero, he's just not good. He wasn't believable at all in The Tudors. In fact, the most believable acting I've seen from him is the BJ scene in Hellraiser: Hellworld. I actually believed he was getting blown, but who knows, maybe he was. LOL
I wouldn't say he's "bad". He's just very limited. He might be able to pull of Soap Opera (maybe, and only limited capacity), but outside of Action Hero, he's just not good. He wasn't believable at all in The Tudors. In fact, the most believable acting I've seen from him is the BJ scene in Hellraiser: Hellworld. I actually believed he was getting blown, but who knows, maybe he was. LOL
Yeah, exactly, he isn't bad in the same way that Gal Gadot is bad, he just has literally zero range. In Enola Holmes it was low-key painful how Sam Claflin and whatsherface from Stranger Things acted planetary orbits around him.






He gives me Dylan spray berry vibes the first pic