Do large endowments or big balls run in the family? You've probaly seen your brothers at some time, and maybe your dad. So, do they have a similar large size as you? Is size genetic or just the luck of the draw?
I'll start: Yes, I've seen both my older brother's and my dad's cocks. No surprise there probably. Now I had seen my older brother's erection several times, since we shared a bedroom. He liked to brag about it when he was a teenager, and then I checked it out and yeah he did have something impressive. 9 inches. I know because he measured it in front of me. I never did see my dad's erection, but I had seen it soft and it looked fairly small, but it was thick like a fat round sausage, with low hangin balls. So I don't know where my size came from. Maybe the men on my mom's side of the family who were all tall guys. I should give you my stat : 7.5 inch erection, with about 6 inches of girth at the base.
So what about the other member's, do you take after dear old Dad?
Yes and no. Genetics play some part, but on occasion genes just decide to do fuck all and do their own new thing irrelative of heredity. I think the genes for dick or ball size are like any other genes though, i.e. they express themselves at random such as you may get one from your father and you may get another from a great great grandfather which has never been expressed by anyone in your family since him.
I don’t know who in my family has/had the big ass fucking dick gene, I know my dad nor brother have big ones, they just have thick but average length ones. So maybe a grandfather or great grandfather or even further back had a dick as large as mine and I just got the lucky gene expressed through me. Or, it could be entirely anomalous and my own genes are the first to develop it. If it is some ancestor who had it though, I wish I could tell him “thanks, it’s a lot of fun” haha and maybe even ask him “so uh how do you deal with this big ass thing, got any advice?” lol.
So while the well-hung dick gene isn’t shared by my immediate male family members, one gene we do all share and is expressed in all three of us is the huge testicles gene. My dad, my brother, and I all have huge low hanging balls. Now if that gene is the same gene as the shoot tons of cum gene, I don’t really know. That could be a separate gene. I do know my brother and I share the massive load thing though, we ended up just casually mentioning that when talking about our sex lives last I saw him. I forget how we got on the topic, but he said his ex at the time was always impressed by how much cum he shot, and I chimed in how I also get that same response, everyone I meet is impressed with just how huge my loads are - many are even overwhelmed at the volume.
Long story short, genes are weird, sometimes shit is hereditary, sometimes it’s entirely new and developed through only you, and just my thoughts but I think there’s separate genes for dick size, ball size, and load size.