Photo Historical Photos

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was a voluntary public work relief program that operated from 1933 to 1942 in the United States for unemployed, unmarried men. Originally for young men ages 18–25, later 17-28.91854893_10157972332558820_640193943807459328_o.jpg
This photograph is over 100 years old - taken on Saturday, March 3rd, 1918. The Great War rages & photographer Paul Castlenau travelled to what would become Jordan to take this autochrome of Fayz Bey el Azm, companion of Emir Fayçal. The image has not colorised.

Fayz Bey el Azm.jpg
All these pictures of guys working on skyscrapers with no safety harnesses or anything! Nowadays Health and Safety would have a shitfit.
I just realized this thread was under the Gay Photos section. My apologies for my last two posts. They were not on topic.