Help me find this hottie - the white underwear-wearing guy!
video 1: Zayn Doms on Instagram: "I guess it works "
2: Zayn Doms on Instagram: "Kiss or slap?"
3: Zayn Doms on Instagram
4: Zayn Doms on Instagram
5: Zayn Doms on Instagram: "Am I your type?"
the host's twitter is zayndominant, many say he does only gay baiting.
like here Hot Arab/ Middle Eastern Men
View attachment 132750571
who is this guy? the famous video of him saying, "go get some food & fuck or watch a movie & fuck or maybe smoke & fuck or we can just fuck. doesn't matter to me"
his fucking voice! his face!
View attachment 134772621
Yea, definitely want to help you out now.lpsg is useless or not worth it
- if lpsg itself cant find the famous video guy - "go get some food & fuck or watch a movie & fuck or maybe smoke & fuck or we can just fuck. doesn't matter to me" !!!
Please soon find this guy and tell me please! Gays all over the world deserves to know him!
thanks sooo muchhh!!!
They have a thread here:Anyone knows this couple?View attachment 135923451
The image looks recent, don't you know the boy's name?I believe the name is "Wood Paneling"...very popular in the 70's from what I remember...found everywhere in magazines, movies and even TV
anyone know the name of this hottie?