Photos & Videos Hot "ID This Guy" Consolidated Thread

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Merry Christmas!

As I am finding it increasingly difficult to keep track of the hot guys of the world and even harder trying to identify them, and I don't want to spam existing threads created for specific people, I want to start a consolidated thread where anyone can ask to identify a guy from a photo or video.

To the people who can identify the men, you may post a direct link to an already-existing LPSG thread for said men, if there's any. I'll start:

View attachment 59309291

Who is this guy? :yum
Anyone? I need more from him!

Also, can anyone identify this guy?
View attachment 720P_1500K_88654171.mp4
Anymore on this handsome bloke?
I saw the first picture 5 or so years ago, probably on tumblr. It shows up a lot on Pinterest, but I couldn't find anything else. Then I came across the second picture on reddit last year.
Surely there must be more out there...

That's xHamster snuffed (OF ordinarygymrat). He already has a thread.

His content is almost impossible to get. I tried writing to him on xHamster and on OF, both times specifying that I'll pay for his content. He ignored my message on xHamster and told me on OF that ''he doesn't have j/o videos but it's something he'll think about'' which I knew was a lie. Pity, cause he's incredibly hot.
That's xHamster snuffed (OF ordinarygymrat). He already has a thread.

His content is almost impossible to get. I tried writing to him on xHamster and on OF, both times specifying that I'll pay for his content. He ignored my message on xHamster and told me on OF that ''he doesn't have j/o videos but it's something he'll think about'' which I knew was a lie. Pity, cause he's incredibly hot.
Too bad all the stuff on that thread is deleted.
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