Hot Muscle Dads

Just a reminder that mask spelling is against the rules. You will get this thread deleted if you keep spelling names like that. You possibly noticed that many threads were deleted this summer. One of the main reasons is mask typing. You have to type his name fully with letters. So his name is Adam Jacques. Otherwise just dont type his name at all. Respect the rules and the threads will stay.
Why is that rule in place? Anyone have ideas?


Why is that rule in place? Anyone have ideas?
I think it has to do with the purpose of attempting to hide potentially restricted content, but I could be wrong. Could someone in moderation expound on this? @LPSG Support @Squirrel1 @jumbo747jet @MisterB @LaFemme

The most recent quote from the site owner:

Obscuring Names is Not Allowed
Obscuring names is against the LPSG Rules and we will not allow it. We have zero-tolerance for this. If you want to post something about someone, please spell their name properly. Trying to get around this with deliberate mistypes will cause issues for us and also for you. Moving forward, anyone caught doing this will be banned.
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Why is that rule in place? Anyone have ideas?
Obscuring names is not allowed at LPSG. Many performers/models and/or their representatives regularly scour internet sites looking for their unauthorized content.

When you obscure a performer/model name, it makes searching LPSG for their content difficult. It is exactly what it seems to be; an attempt to hide content that shouldn't be posted.

Bottom line: DO NOT OBSCURE a model or performer or celebrity or anyone's name. It is not allowed.

Rather than continue with any such discussion about this issue here, PM me at @MisterB if you have any questions or comments.

B :)
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