Hot Muscle Dads

The ultimate dilf of my dreams lol, face , body, EVERYTHING. Too bad he NEVER posts thirst traps etc

Brad Winget on Instagram: "Happy Friday! I had a good workout this morning with my wife and friends. Here’s a few thoughts I had & wanted to share. I believe that health is wealth & working out is good for the mind, body and soul! However, everyone needs to do what makes you happy, as to each is their own & we’re all different. There’s no right or wrong way to the path of happiness! Life is perfect & everything happens for us not to us. As my buddy @benkjar says “We are not victims, we’re victors” of our own life obstacles. Over the years, i’ve learned to see problems as opportunities to learn & grow. I believe our opportunities come at the perfect time and when I learned how to switch my mindset years ago, it was amazing how life truly changed for me! These principals are among the biggest keys I learned to becoming who I am today & as hard as life’s challenges feel some times, I have learned to embrace & express gratitude for them. Then, I take action & just start working hard on the controllables. I struggle with alot of things just like everyone does but if we just show up & do our best, thats all we can do! It’s so easy to stress out about the things we can’t control & we make assumptions and waste energy on things that may or may not happen. We’re all on the same life journey trying to figure things out but staying positive & helping others when you’re able to can really make a difference. We got this .. . #health #healthiswealth #control #attitude #determines #altitude #gym #fitness #friends #trainers #fun #hardwork #discipline #wingit"