Hot Muscle Dads

We need some more hot muscle dad booty in this thread

That ass is insane
I present you Bruno Tarchetti From Brasil. I dont know his sexual oriantation for sure but guys just look at him he makes me so damn wet in ways that i cant even begin to explain. His IG : brunotarchetti
.He is from Brasilia state *wich is sad cuz im from Rio de janeiro but if i suddenly bump in to him ! i would want this big daddy to fuck me roughly. but enough said lets see him:


This Dad is so cute I want him to suck me! Look into his eyes and see how pretty he is! That gorgeus moustache i just think about him with his face all glazed up with cum! IG : bentheoandrews
*i know he isnt worked up as the most daddies here but he is just as worthy !


IG: andrew_fitmd
He is a married father of two, him and his wife do bodybuilding training together and they are both involved in medicine with him being an eye surgeon. He shows off a lot of his workouts and of his family and shows his physical progression a lot too, very handsome man with a nice voice too. IMG_9824.JPG

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