Correct me if I'm wrong. One of the things AEW initially strive for is inclusiveness to LGBT talent... maybe all the kissing and suggestive vibes is allowing the talent to be open with their sexualities without being overly on the nose? I MEAN I WOULD LIKE TO SEE MORE KISSING.
That's not what the general population wants... they do it with girls because it's mostly straight guys or lesbos who watch so they can attract them. Idc if I'm gay, I don't wanna see guys making out on a wrestling show, even if I prefer story over "dream match."
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Correct me if I'm wrong. One of the things AEW initially strive for is inclusiveness to LGBT talent... maybe all the kissing and suggestive vibes is allowing the talent to be open with their sexualities without being overly on the nose? I MEAN I WOULD LIKE TO SEE MORE KISSING.
Yeah, from what I’ve seen as a viewer and with my own eyes, male talent seem very comfortable expressing whatever sexuality they subscribe to. They let the boys be boys, so to speak.
That's not what the general population wants... they do it with girls because it's mostly straight guys or lesbos who watch so they can attract them. Idc if I'm gay, I don't wanna see guys making out on a wrestling show, even if I prefer story over "dream match."
Don’t ask me why, I’m not straight, but a lot of straight male wrestling fans appreciate some level of sexual tension between two male wrestling rivals. I don’t know any who are turned off by how gay AEW gets sometimes.