Just wanna give a shout out to any and everyone who contributes to this thread and has kept it going all this time. I never expected this thread to take off tbh.

I appreciate you all. Special mention for @skeldare @Rainofar34 @Carolina HM ,y'all are real ones! ;) :emoji_thumbsup: :blush:
Just wanna give a shout out to any and everyone who contributes to this thread and has kept it going all this time. I never expected this thread to take off tbh.

I appreciate you all. Special mention for @skeldare @Rainofar34 @Carolina HM ,y'all are real ones! ;) :emoji_thumbsup: :blush:
Thank you!
This thread is like public service for the LPSG community.
Just wanna give a shout out to any and everyone who contributes to this thread and has kept it going all this time. I never expected this thread to take off tbh.

I appreciate you all. Special mention for @skeldare @Rainofar34 @Carolina HM ,y'all are real ones! ;) :emoji_thumbsup: :blush:
Danke schön. It's nice to see actors who are a part of our community and are out and hot. And all of them in one place!
Oh yeah for sure. I know him. He's very much a trailblazer. The original Blue Ranger. Def had a crush on him back when it was airing.

He's gone into detail about the homophobia he experienced on set/in the industry in those early days in the 90s. He has an incredible story.

I meant specifically that series (Beast Morphers) in my reply, so I wasn't forgetting him. :innocent: I think Beast Morphers is the only series with 2 queer male main cast members. Pretty cool.

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Ah I got it now. :)

:heart_eyes: at that last photo of David