The silence is more likely everyone knows nothing we say matters. Your mind doesnt operate in a way that is open. It is closed, focused solely on your point or view, and combative towards any logic or reasoning. Doctor up a photo to make things look however way you want in your mind. In reality, truth and the actual physical world, your dick CANNOT be smaller than his. Visuals can be gamed easily. Just look at my pics. Angles and cropping makes all the difference. Lens size majorly makes things seem different. But I and others have said this to you over and over for years. As I already pointed out and others as well, there's something fundamentally wrong if you deny reality and what people are telling you outright but rather cling to your negative view of yourself.
Large hands make things seems smaller. Taller bodies, thin vs fat bodies, camera angles, clothing worn (I've noticed you rarely take a pic without your dick sticking out of a hole in your pants or underwear which makes it seem smaller.) You only use your non bone pressed but you compare to people who use bone pressed or have little to no fatpad at all.
Like, I don't think people interacting with you are saying "wow your dick is HUGE! I doubt anyone can take it!" But we ARE saying "that's a great sized dick, definitely not small whatsoever" and you think we are all delusional and lying... everyone else is wrong not that your pov is skewed and off.