#1) Met him at the nightclub, he was dating my friend at the time. My friend dumped him within 2 weeks (that was his usual dating routine), I asked my friend if he was okay with it, he said that was fine. Dated him for 7 years.
#2) I was interested in a guy and spent the weekend at his place. A few days later right before I started my shift at the gay bar, he called me to tell me that it wasn't going to work, he was in an open relationship and already had a boyfriend. That night, I was bartending in the basement dark room bar, the owner was sitting there and said she wanted to introduce me to a friend of hers. Next to her was the hottest guy I had seen in a long time. All night, he followed me around like a lost puppy. I gave him a ride home that night, we stopped in a parking lot behind an apartment building and fooled around. I later dropped him off at his place and I went to my place. The next night, he was back at the bar and following me around again. This time he asked for me to take him to my place. He kept coming over every night and we started dating. We were together for 4 years and that only ended because he had a heart attack and died.
#3) I had met him in an adult bookstore before I had met #2. I talked to #3 many times online, we got along great and he was such a nice guy. About a week after #2 had died, #3 contacted me and wanted to know why I was saying I was now single. I told him the story and he told me he was sorry. He then told me how much he had liked playing with me before I started dating #2. And I confessed I enjoyed it very much too. He asked if I needed a distraction and at the time I most definitely needed a distraction. We dated for about 4 years until we started having problems. I was still feeling guilty about #2 and he was having major issues with his job, so we broke up. We remained friends with benefits for a few years, but that fell apart when I met #4 and he met his next boyfriend.
#4) I met him at the same bookstore that I had met #3. Been together for over 12 years.