How did you meet your boyfriend



Just under 5yrs ago I had an electrician booked to rewire my kitchen, I remember it like it was yesterday. Josh turned up at my door and I nearly went to gay heaven. He was over 6ft, blonde hair, blue eyes, bushy beard and dressed like a builder. Throughout the 2 days it never cross my mind he was into me, or was gay. I’m crap at that stuff. My friends convinced me he was so I ended up having a heater installed to ask him out. We’ve been together over 4yrs and are getting married this August 2022. The joke probably being “you didn’t need to hire me twice to get a date!”

How did you guys meet your boyfriend/partner?
similar to you mate. I'd bought a new house and they were still doing all the landscaping around the site and had stuff to sort at my house too. This handsome fit young guy was assigned to my home for a few days and we were in the summer, so he was wearing baggy cut off shorts and builder boots only. Shortish but ripped body.
One morning he saw my then fb leave the house, i was only in shorts and had a bit of a semi which clearly showed. My now bf asked if i was gay? yes i say. And then he said i bet you're the top with that bulge!! I was just massively embarrassed.
Over the next few days he'd make comments and one time asked if i'd put more sunscreen on his back, so we sat across this bench and he kept moving back against my groin made me hard and he'd just smile and say feels great.
Eventually he said he'd love to go out with me, i was his type etc. We chatted about what he was looking for and he did say he was new to all this, liked older guys, but was inexperienced and that i just looked like a nice guy - i'd already said by then that this other guy was not bf.
I said i couldn't do anything until i'd spoke with the fb - he was bi and i always thought he'd be the one to find someone else but we'd agreed that if either met anyone else we were into then just say and we'd say great and move on - which is basically what happened.
And then i started dating this guy, just a drink at a pub the first proper time, and we found we had lots in common and it took off from there - been together just about 3 years now. We've both said we love you to each other and its still like we're in that honeymoon period. I've met his friends, workmates and family as he has mine and pretty much everyone has accepted us and the age gap. So i just consider myself extremely fortunate. Sex is amaxing too ;-)
The 1st on a night club.
The 2nd was introduced to me by a common friend.
The 3rd on scruff.
similar to you mate. I'd bought a new house and they were still doing all the landscaping around the site and had stuff to sort at my house too. This handsome fit young guy was assigned to my home for a few days and we were in the summer, so he was wearing baggy cut off shorts and builder boots only. Shortish but ripped body.
One morning he saw my then fb leave the house, i was only in shorts and had a bit of a semi which clearly showed. My now bf asked if i was gay? yes i say. And then he said i bet you're the top with that bulge!! I was just massively embarrassed.
Over the next few days he'd make comments and one time asked if i'd put more sunscreen on his back, so we sat across this bench and he kept moving back against my groin made me hard and he'd just smile and say feels great.
Eventually he said he'd love to go out with me, i was his type etc. We chatted about what he was looking for and he did say he was new to all this, liked older guys, but was inexperienced and that i just looked like a nice guy - i'd already said by then that this other guy was not bf.
I said i couldn't do anything until i'd spoke with the fb - he was bi and i always thought he'd be the one to find someone else but we'd agreed that if either met anyone else we were into then just say and we'd say great and move on - which is basically what happened.
And then i started dating this guy, just a drink at a pub the first proper time, and we found we had lots in common and it took off from there - been together just about 3 years now. We've both said we love you to each other and its still like we're in that honeymoon period. I've met his friends, workmates and family as he has mine and pretty much everyone has accepted us and the age gap. So i just consider myself extremely fortunate. Sex is amaxing too ;-)
Sounds hot. I love builders, when my boyfriend comes home from work in builder trousers and boots, fuck! Bend him over and eat his ass. I’m 38 my boyfriend is 30 so he’s younger than me.
Just under 5yrs ago I had an electrician booked to rewire my kitchen, I remember it like it was yesterday. Josh turned up at my door and I nearly went to gay heaven. He was over 6ft, blonde hair, blue eyes, bushy beard and dressed like a builder. Throughout the 2 days it never cross my mind he was into me, or was gay. I’m crap at that stuff. My friends convinced me he was so I ended up having a heater installed to ask him out. We’ve been together over 4yrs and are getting married this August 2022. The joke probably being “you didn’t need to hire me twice to get a date!”

How did you guys meet your boyfriend/partner?

I love hearing how gay couples met one another.

If you don’t mind me asking, how did you ask him out? Did you just randomly say something like ‘Would you go out on a date with me?’ Or ‘I have an itch that only your cock could scratch?’ Or ‘do you want to pound my lubed up gaping hole?’.
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I love hearing how gay couples met one another.

If you don’t mind me asking, how did you ask him out? Did you just randomly say something like ‘Would you go out on a date with me?’ Or ‘I have an itch that only your cock could scratch?’ Or ‘do you want to pound my lubed up gaping hole?’.
I literally just asked him out for a drink, he said yes. I love the “I have an itch that only your cock could scratch!”
My husband and I met on Manhunt in 2009. I was living in a tiny town in NW Oklahoma, in the military, and "don't ask don't tell" was still around. I was just starting to come out and knew I couldn't try to find anyone close by so I started looking in Oklahoma City, over 90 minutes away. I figured that would be a safe distance away.

We chatted a little online, and one time he said he was around my area fishing and wanted to know if he could come over. I said sure, why not. We hit it off. The first couple of years we lived separately, but our schedules aligned where he would come stay at my place 2x nights a week, and I would stay at his place 2x nights a week. We've been married ever since 2014.
I met my partner in a sauna,he wanked me off,I wanked him off, told me to call him daddy, we didn't see each other for about 6 months until I spotted him on gaydar lol,messaged him and he said he remembered me, I drove to meet him, and that's it, 13 years later ..I'm still here lol.
I went to this outdoor party. It was in the middle of the summer. I met this guy, and we were just talking. He had been married to women twice. I didn't pick anything up from him that he might be interested in me. I had to take a leak. . He did too. So we ducked behind the garage and I started peeing. He pulled out this big dick and was peeing too. I didn't say anything or look at his dick, because I assumed he was straight. But i sole glances when I could. He pulled me close and started kissing me. I was kind of in shock. But that is how we first met. . I asked him later, how he knew I would be receptive to him. He said he didn't know, but what was the worse thing I could do? Punch him? So we have been dating for 2 years now. I am the first guy he has ever been with.
I love hearing how gay couples met one another.

If you don’t mind me asking, how did you ask him out? Did you just randomly say something like ‘Would you go out on a date with me?’ Or ‘I have an itch that only your cock could scratch?’ Or ‘do you want to pound my lubed up gaping hole?’.
Same here,this thread should continue
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I had a series of bad luck with relationships. One of those really hurt my feelings. I’ll be honest and say that guy, I’ll probably never talk to again or cross the road to pee on him if he were on fire. I swore off dating for about 6 months. Covid hit and we all know what happened but I decided to try another “one more time” on the app scene, in part because there was nothing else going on lol.

We matched in June 2020, hung out for the first time a month later and have been inseparable since.
I had a series of bad luck with relationships. One of those really hurt my feelings. I’ll be honest and say that guy, I’ll probably never talk to again or cross the road to pee on him if he were on fire. I swore off dating for about 6 months. Covid hit and we all know what happened but I decided to try another “one more time” on the app scene, in part because there was nothing else going on lol.

We matched in June 2020, hung out for the first time a month later and have been inseparable since.
Awwww that's so sweet
#1) Met him at the nightclub, he was dating my friend at the time. My friend dumped him within 2 weeks (that was his usual dating routine), I asked my friend if he was okay with it, he said that was fine. Dated him for 7 years.

#2) I was interested in a guy and spent the weekend at his place. A few days later right before I started my shift at the gay bar, he called me to tell me that it wasn't going to work, he was in an open relationship and already had a boyfriend. That night, I was bartending in the basement dark room bar, the owner was sitting there and said she wanted to introduce me to a friend of hers. Next to her was the hottest guy I had seen in a long time. All night, he followed me around like a lost puppy. I gave him a ride home that night, we stopped in a parking lot behind an apartment building and fooled around. I later dropped him off at his place and I went to my place. The next night, he was back at the bar and following me around again. This time he asked for me to take him to my place. He kept coming over every night and we started dating. We were together for 4 years and that only ended because he had a heart attack and died.

#3) I had met him in an adult bookstore before I had met #2. I talked to #3 many times online, we got along great and he was such a nice guy. About a week after #2 had died, #3 contacted me and wanted to know why I was saying I was now single. I told him the story and he told me he was sorry. He then told me how much he had liked playing with me before I started dating #2. And I confessed I enjoyed it very much too. He asked if I needed a distraction and at the time I most definitely needed a distraction. We dated for about 4 years until we started having problems. I was still feeling guilty about #2 and he was having major issues with his job, so we broke up. We remained friends with benefits for a few years, but that fell apart when I met #4 and he met his next boyfriend.

#4) I met him at the same bookstore that I had met #3. Been together for over 12 years.
#1) Met him at the nightclub, he was dating my friend at the time. My friend dumped him within 2 weeks (that was his usual dating routine), I asked my friend if he was okay with it, he said that was fine. Dated him for 7 years.

#2) I was interested in a guy and spent the weekend at his place. A few days later right before I started my shift at the gay bar, he called me to tell me that it wasn't going to work, he was in an open relationship and already had a boyfriend. That night, I was bartending in the basement dark room bar, the owner was sitting there and said she wanted to introduce me to a friend of hers. Next to her was the hottest guy I had seen in a long time. All night, he followed me around like a lost puppy. I gave him a ride home that night, we stopped in a parking lot behind an apartment building and fooled around. I later dropped him off at his place and I went to my place. The next night, he was back at the bar and following me around again. This time he asked for me to take him to my place. He kept coming over every night and we started dating. We were together for 4 years and that only ended because he had a heart attack and died.

#3) I had met him in an adult bookstore before I had met #2. I talked to #3 many times online, we got along great and he was such a nice guy. About a week after #2 had died, #3 contacted me and wanted to know why I was saying I was now single. I told him the story and he told me he was sorry. He then told me how much he had liked playing with me before I started dating #2. And I confessed I enjoyed it very much too. He asked if I needed a distraction and at the time I most definitely needed a distraction. We dated for about 4 years until we started having problems. I was still feeling guilty about #2 and he was having major issues with his job, so we broke up. We remained friends with benefits for a few years, but that fell apart when I met #4 and he met his next boyfriend.

#4) I met him at the same bookstore that I had met #3. Been together for over 12 years.
If I'm right you are married to number 4 now
If I'm right you are married to number 4 now
Nope, we enjoy our different type of relationship. Of those 12 years together, we have only lived together for 3 years (the 4th through 6th years together). We both value our independence, love our free time both together and alone. We actually live an hour apart. But we still see each other 4 or 5 days a week and we spend many of our nights together.