How Do You Ladies Feel About The Term Size Queen?

A couple women identify with the term.
I do not, because size doesn’t matter to me. (See our FAQ for many viewpoints of this well worn song)

personally, I learned it in the gay community and never carried it over.
It always smacked of objectivity to me, placing a physical characteristic over the person.

to me, a size queen is someone who ONLY has interest in hung men. And only the hung part.
I personally have no issue with the term and don't have a problem saying that I identify as a size queen, when it comes to sexual pleasure I'm a big woman who enjoys bigger penises.
By no means am I suggesting that's the be and end all of a relationship but it's very important to me xx
When I first got here, I didn’t know what it meant.

Now that I know (see Scarlet’s definition) I only find the term a bit odd because I don’t identify as one. Also because of assumptions.

The active LPSG ladies I know of are egalitarian, just, fair and even rather generous in their estimations and perspectives on the male anatomy. Size queens included. I reckon it’s just another fetish, and that’s cool with me :)

Now. This one is a bit of a mystery to me!
I’ve been haughtily confronted by more than one guy on here with this false assumption: “WELL. I thought that you ladies were ALL size queens.”

If I was a misanthropic dick I might reply with an attempt at a hurtful quip like “Yes, and I thought you needed to be at least 10” to be on here?”
I think that it’s a term that mostly men use, but some women use it as well to describe themselves. I might be wrong here, but it seems that even when a woman self-identifies as a ‘size queen’, she still hasn’t made that the number one characteristic in choosing a guy to have sex with. He better have some other redeeming factors as well. Men seem to view it differently. Got a big dick? Let’s go!

At least that’s the impression I get from looking at posts here.