1. While Sitting yes and I’ve done it while sitting in a teams video call work meeting but the camera was off. Yet I was jerking while on voice chat. I needed to unwind and while remote working I had to multitask during and after the pandemic because they never reopened the office and just had us do remote from then on. So yeah doing it while working from home was so much fun.
But most days I sit in my chair to cum because it’s got everything perfectly aligned and I can rest my arms at the right level to ejaculate.
2. While Standing yes but hate it as I find my knees start to fail after it starts to get too intense. I find it hard to keep my balance that’s all. It’s easier if I have a wall to lean against.
3. While Kneeling Down yes occasionally.
4. While Lying Down yes this is my default position and most comfortable posture for me.
5. In the Living Room yes occasionally while on the sofa sitting and lying down.
7. In your Bedroom all the time
8. In your Bathroom sometimes but not often.
9. In the Kitchen yes and I’ve done it while sitting on the counter top as well.
10. At Friend's house not a friend’s but family for sure.
12. At Work used to do it in the office daily on my breaks. I’d get nude in the loo as it was separate toilet rooms. All my clothes on the floor and I came all over the grey tiled floor.
15. At a Hotel yes a few times.
22 On a train not yet but I’m soon going a travelling in April. So who knows depends on how horny I am that day. I might risk it as I like the notion of being able to cum on route, choo choo eh.
20. On a roof

seriously who has done this. How does one even get up on a roof to do this.
With my balance being crap. I’d likely fall and break my neck.
At school in the spare classroom during lunch break with minutes to spare until the next lesson bell was due to ring and everyone would be back.
I came literally seconds before the bell and just managed to get it away as everyone began to approach the unit. Whew
Behind my parents shed while house and dog sitting.
I’ve edged myself while at various family gatherings in different houses of my family.
Now in a car. Well I’d love to get up to some shenanigans in a car but sadly I don’t drive. So don’t own a car
But I certainly wouldn’t pass on an opportunity for it if it ever came

my way, if you get my drift.
A bonk on the bonnet with an ejaculation in the back sounds very intriguing.