How Many Sexual Partners Have You Had In 2019?

How Many Sexual Partners Have You Had In 2019?

  • 0

    Votes: 402 21.5%
  • 1

    Votes: 568 30.4%
  • 2

    Votes: 155 8.3%
  • 3 to 5

    Votes: 251 13.4%
  • 6 to 11

    Votes: 163 8.7%
  • 12 to 20

    Votes: 108 5.8%
  • 20+

    Votes: 194 10.4%
  • Prefer Not Say

    Votes: 30 1.6%

  • Total voters
That is funny...thank you for making me laugh...but it is very scientifically true...."identical" twins, triplets, quads, whatever...are not exactly alike in all physical ways. They just aren't...close enough that most casual observers or people who don't know them well can not tell the difference...but there are subtle differences. You just have to look for the details...

thank you again for making me laugh and smile...

You're welcome. I get what you mean, too. I've known a few sets twins over the years (casual friends, so not in the details you used as examples), and I've always been able to find a 'tell', whether it's a vocal difference, or subtle eye shapes, hair cut differences, and most usually in their expressions (example: I knew twin sisters where one was much happier in her life than the other - I could tell them apart at 50 paces without my glasses).

Your post made me laugh too, because after reading it I'd just imaged some farce where it would come down to measuring twin's cock heads to determine who was who. Come to think of it, I'd watch that!
You should print that on a T-Shirt :)

I’m a handful.
Amazing in bed.
Lil bit psycho.
An all round bundle of joy!

The Wise Man Has Spoken. Make It So, Number One.
Probably more than 100 but I don’t always keep count and I hate to be thought of as easy :)
or a whore or anything.
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Reactions: Eric2450
Probably more than 100 but I don’t always keep count and I hate to be thought of as easy :)
or a whore or anything.
Love that profile pic you have. That’s a pic of the very sexy DJ Adam Turner. I’ve got the full photo. He’s so hot. You a fan too?
One. We haven't swung with another couple since the beginning of 2018, so last year the only sexual partner I've had has been the wife. So far this year has been one of total monogamy as well and will likely continue, at least until this virus goes away.