How to cure ED/Shrinkage from obesity?


Experimental Member
Aug 22, 2024
Been in an insane rut for 2 years. Gained 100lbs, left my gf, left my job and I feel free now

But now I have an issue, at 300lbs I have ED. My penis has shrunk severely because of this. I went from about 7.3x6.5 at max erection to 6x6

For the past 2 weeks I have been doing IF and lifting 4x a week and walking 15-20 miles a week so eventually in time it’ll fix itself but damn…

Any advice from anyone in a similar scenario? Don’t know if this is the right forum
When you gain weight, your body will deposit what seems a disproportionate amount of the fat in the pubic pad. So the only way to regain the length is losing weight or consider liposuction or one of the alternative "fat dissolving" (and expensive) thermal methods. Personally, I'd recommend a permanent fix to the weight problem (and it is a problem that will shorten your life) by becoming a vegetarian or, better yet, a vegan. It may seem extreme, but you can eat as much as you want and still lose weight. When I became vegan, I effortlessly lost 30 lbs in 6 months and feel way better - and, statistically, will live longer (and not die miserably from cardiac issues, diabetes, etc.
Yes, I have my flame-proof suit on!!
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Have you had your testosterone checked? Sounds just like the scenario I was in. Now, I'm back on thr road to recovery.
I am on TRT right now, since around March. I already know at my weight my testosterone will be nuked regardless. I have had an improvement on libido and erections by alot and its still a bit bigger but still not at 100% like previously
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Been in an insane rut for 2 years. Gained 100lbs, left my gf, left my job and I feel free now

But now I have an issue, at 300lbs I have ED. My penis has shrunk severely because of this. I went from about 7.3x6.5 at max erection to 6x6

For the past 2 weeks I have been doing IF and lifting 4x a week and walking 15-20 miles a week so eventually in time it’ll fix itself but damn…

Any advice from anyone in a similar scenario? Don’t know if this is the right forum
tldr: similar situation, exercise fixed my issues

I maxxed out at 370/380 but averaged 340 for most of my adult life- was young enough that it didn't affect my erections, but affected my confidence and abilities during sex

And then I had a major life change (quit office job, bought a farm with my husband) that meant daily exercise. It was a tough transition, going from a pretty sedentary lifestyle to a regularly active one, but I ended up losing close to 100 pounds

BUT, I great at least an inch hard, I was waking up with raging boners that could cut class, I started fucking like a champ (plus I feel stronger than I have my whole life)

When I was bigger, I tried to manage my weight through diet, and it sort of worked
On the farm, I eat constantly, and my weight is holding steady at 280, and my sex drive is through the roof.

Obviously this is my story, not for everyone (i'm certainly not recommending everyone quit their job and buy a farm), but from my experiences, simply getting regular daily exercise was the game changer
Honestly, I think you know the answer. If it took you two years to gain that much weight, see if you can lose it faster. 1 to 2 pounds of weight loss per week is a healthy amount. I can tell you it takes dedication, time and consistency. I have a friend who was in a similar spot, he was 290 and over the course of 2 years he was down to 165, now he's balanced out at a more healthy 175.

You can do it, it's hard, but it's doable. Just like gaining weight was a part of your lifestyle, you need change that and make losing weight a part of your lifestyle.

I'm in a similar fight myself, since I got married and had a kid, I've put on about 40 pounds. I just joined a new gym, I worked the schedule out with my wife, and even with my job to have time to fit a good workout in 3 times a week. As well as nutrition plans. I'm 41, and I'm going to lose 30 pounds before I'm 42.
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I agree with most people here, weight loss will defiantly expose more cock, and help blood flow.

I lost my weight (40bls) through IF and some working out with a trainer 2 times a week. my trainer then said it's very difficult to exercise away a bad diet, and abs were made in the kitchen not the gym - so on. I believe actually that your biggest contributor is diet, just eating too much.

Drill down and get very precise with your diet, matching to your activity needs with a calculated deficit.

As @engineer805 said, vegetarian is a way that worked for him. Yes very good way to get plenty of nutrients and a clean way to eat - HOWEVER the main reason that works well for weight loss is its more difficult to get calories in when you eliminate all the processed food - that is mainly made up of meat, sugar, dairy and fat based.

So eat less calories, really just that. Workout only to maintain muscle and mobility, not as a source of weight loss.
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Weight loss certainly makes the dick look bigger. From my personal experience, I would emphasize exercise over weight loss for better erections. My dick seemed to respond more to the increased testosterone that came with regular exercise versus weight loss alone.